There is an enchantment laid on these grounds. For half the day, you are yourself, a member of the household staff. For the other, you are transformed, taking the shape of the everyday trappings of your Master's household. You're used to that. Life at Neverwood Manor has always been like this... hasn't it?

But sometimes, while going about your duties, you can't help feeling like something isn't right, like you once lived a different life, in another time, another place...

Neverwood Manor is a panfandom memory loss game based on the Enchanted Castle from the fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast. We are OC-friendly and all non-puncturable.

December 2022


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Posts Tagged: 'mikuni+alicein'

Dec. 18th, 2022



[Flitered away from Fracxis]
Getting ready for this stupid ball is a nightmare. Fracxis is such a hardass about it all. Someone help a guy out.... Gimme something fun to hear.

Nov. 3rd, 2022



So much stuff has been happening in the manor. With such a close-knit community, its important that everyone knows what's going on. Like, has anyone seen a four-legged friend recently? It's sooooo cute! I don't want to implicate anyone in any unsanctioned behavior. I mean, who could get mad at a cat? I know I can't. Isn't it strange how they always seems to follow a certain someone around, though?

By the way, if we ever have a pushup contest, wow. I do not want to go up against Asta. What are you working out for, man? At this rate, you might get more buff than Nicco's pictures of uhhh.....buildings. Yeah. Buildings.

Speaking of muscles, it would be pretty helpful to get more strong people people volunteering for chopping firewood this winter. You know, since some of the rooms are getting pretty cold already. Or, well, we could just put Fraxcis with his fire wings in those cold rooms to help warm things up a little bit.

Aren't memories strange things? I saw Youtarou and Neugear making eyes at each other over dinner, and it made me think of my own husband. Whenever I try to think about his name, or what his face looks like...What am I saying? Of course he has a face. You kind of remind me of him, Alphonse. With all those experiments and smart sounding words. I hope that you and Lawless find the same kind of love that me and my husband found.

Anyway, the wine tonight was great. Navari, Misono, you might want to add an extra bottle of zinfandel to the restocking list. Not that I had anything to do with it.

Oct. 11th, 2022



Sooooo since the two librarians never woke up again are we just letting the library go to shit again? Who's gonna take care of that anyway now? I found a book all the way out at the farm. Who left it out here? Cause it wasn't me.

Private Letters to Rin )

Oct. 2nd, 2022



Private Letters to Mikuni )

Sep. 27th, 2022



Any last requests for next order? I'm sending it out promptly in the morning. After all that commotion recently there's so much that has to be replaced so this next order will be larger than normal. If anyone is willing to help it'll be appreciated.

Private letter to Mikuni under cut )

Sep. 22nd, 2022



Killua if you can make it to the lake this night I have something very important I'd love for you to be able to bring us. We need something stone, like right now. Like if there's something in the kitchen you guys use for stuff to not catch on fire can you bring it?

Also Mikuni I need you to finish taking my report to Zidane come dawn. I know you most likely won't see this until dawn, but please and thank you in advance.

And to Zidane, my deepest apologies apologies about the games room rug, but it's now in the lake.

As to why? Well I'm afraid I'm quite literally on fire right now. I'm not sure how to explain this at all but I have wings made of fire. I'd like to not set the manor on fire, but that's a worry for another day. At the moment I need help with damage control.

[Private to Jabber]
And Jabber, I apologize for throwing you in the lake, are you alright? What even happened? You touched my arm and suddenly I had wings of fire. I'm so confused.

Aug. 19th, 2022



What is that disgusting smell!? The whole kitchen reeks like dead skunk.

Aug. 14th, 2022



Tsurugi, a letter waits for you in the Gamesroom. )

Aug. 3rd, 2022



Private letters between Misono & Mikuni )

Aug. 1st, 2022



Aaaaaa~! I've been having so much fun lately! Say say I'm playing a game right now, does anyone have any good tips on getting better at board games? There's someone in the castle who's so good at chess! If you know who they are don't tell me! I'm trying to guess~ Anyway, I can't beat them no matter how much I try~ It would be frustrating if it wasn't so impressive! I could go on and on!! I haven't played against someone who beats me like that in a while! Sorry Pitoooou~ You're better at sparring than gaaames. Anyway!! Any tip are happily waaaanted~ Thanks~! ♡♡

Jul. 27th, 2022



Ok. I seriously have no idea how the fuck I forgot this? You know that moment where you forget how old you are for a second just after your birthday? Someone's all like oh so how old are you now and you almost say 32 when you're 33? Please tell me that happens to other people.... Cause apparently I'm immortal? Either that or am I so so so fucking old. Holy shit I'm basically ancient. That's a common thing right? Please for the love of fate tell me it is. I cannot be going senile

Jul. 18th, 2022



Hey magic people!! Does anyone have any tips?? I have no idea how I totally forgot I can use magic!! It just hit me mid fight the other night and I pulled this black sword out of my chest! It's all cool and magical but it totally exploded on me! Like it turned into spikes and I couldn't get it to keep it's shape!

Any tips would be super appreciated! Thank you!! ♡

Jul. 5th, 2022



I'm certainly not one to be intimidated by ghost stories, but I can't be the only one who heard something fall upstairs last night right? Is everyone alright? No one broke did they?

Jun. 29th, 2022



It looks like it'll be a scorcher the next couple of days, take care not to pass out if you work outside. I want to say day cycle should take it easy during the hottest parts of the day, but don't leave all your work for the night crew. Still, don't burn up into a crisp or anything.

Jun. 22nd, 2022



The order has been accounted for and my numbers match. If you had things you ordered you can now retrieve them. Thank you for waiting.

Jun. 20th, 2022



Was the snake the only "intruder" found today? Or are there other animals that wandered onto the estate?

Also, Mikuni, where did you end up letting them go? I'd like to make sure there's no where else that potential magical creatures could sneak into the grounds. The Master would be incredibly distressed if something attacked his aviary.



Who is going to explain the ATROCITY that is the second floor east wing bathroom? Guys, when the toilet paper is out, change it. The cabinet is in the hallway. And I know it wasn't the MASTER.

- נaY