Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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Day Twelve [Aug. 22nd, 2008|03:19 pm]
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Who: Tonks and Snape
What: While Tonks is on her way to track down Marcus, she runs into someone very unexpected...
When: Around 10 am
Where: Outside the library
Rating: PG, at most.
Status: Complete

It was her long habit to call him Professor... )
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Day 10 -- Fred and George are Here! [Aug. 14th, 2008|11:01 am]

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Who: Fred, George and Tonks
When: Day 10
Where: The indoor pool
Why: Arrival
Rating: G
Status: Finished

Cayenne curry? )
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[Aug. 10th, 2008|06:43 pm]
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WHO: Marcus & Tonks
WHAT: Another attempt to escape?
WHEN: Morning, Day 10
WHERE: Starts in the dining room, goes outside
STATUS: Complete

Marcus had spent a quiet first day in the face of the hurricane )
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Jigen arriving on Day Nine [Jul. 26th, 2008|07:13 pm]
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Who: Jigen & OTA => Tonks
When: Day Nine, afternoon
What: A dangerous meeting in New York, and then suddenly being thrown into the middle of a hurricane storm somewhere entirely else and being dragged in to shelter.
Where: A jazz club in New York, then by the River and finally at the bar indoors.
Rating: PG-13 for violence and language.
Status: Completed.

From one storm to another )
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Day 7 [Jul. 11th, 2008|01:21 pm]
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Who: Elminster and Tonks
When:Day 7, Late morning
What: Pheromones take hold
Where: Outside Lodging Unit E to start
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete

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Day Six [Jul. 4th, 2008|07:10 pm]
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Who: Tonks and Marcus
What: 'Sploring on mountain bikes
When: Day six, afternoon
Where: The bike trails in the hills
Rating: PG-ish for language and fighting.
Status: Complete

What are we going to do today, Marcus? Same thing we do every day, Tonks, try to escape Mirage. )
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[Jun. 30th, 2008|05:23 pm]
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Who: Tonks and Hatter
When: Late afternoon-ish
What: tea time!
Where: The cafe
Rating: PG, I think. Mostly just weird.
Status: Complete

Tea Time! )
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Day Five [Jun. 28th, 2008|07:55 pm]
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Who: Ginny and Tonks
When: Day Five, around 11 AM
Where: Outside the Resort
What: Ginny arrives!
Rating: PG-13, because Ms. Weasley is not a happy camper.
Status: Complete

These things just didn't happen to her. )
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[Jun. 20th, 2008|11:48 am]
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Who: Lois Lane, Tonks, and Marcus Cole
When: Day 4, Midday
What: The Arrival of Lois Lane
Where: The Desert; **EDIT**And the Dude Ranch appearing an eye distance away from the horizon.
Rating: To Be Discovered; but PG for now.
Status: Complete

Somehow, We are not in Kansas Anymore, To-to. )
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[Jun. 13th, 2008|05:52 pm]
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Who: Tonks and Marcus
What: Horseback riding and most likely plotting to escape the planet.
When: Day Three, Morning
Where: The stables
Rating: I'm gonna say PG-13
Status: Complete

During the night, the young witch had had a bit of a brainstorm. Not a useful one, like how to get away from here, but still, one that she awoke eager to try out. Much earlier than was usual for her, the Auror bounced out of bed, wearing her oversized Weird Sisters t-shirt that she usually slept in. Glancing around at her room, she screwed up her face and concentrated. The pink walls turned into an equally brilliant purple, and she grinned in satisfaction. She might not intend to stay here long, but she really was enjoying the ability to change these surroundings at will.

Hey, Horsies! )
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Day 02 [Jun. 6th, 2008|02:05 pm]
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Who: Lestat and Tonks
What: Arrival of Lestat de Lioncourt
When: After sundown
Where: The Lake
Rating: at least PG13 for now

Abduction of the Brat Princeā€¦ )

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Day 2 [Jun. 6th, 2008|08:57 am]
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Who: Austin Powers and Tonks
When: Early Afternoon
What: Austin's Arrival
Where: Down by the lake
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete

Doo doo doo, da da doo doo doo! The chime from the intercom announcing a message from longtime friend and colleague Basil Exposition pulled Austin out of a dreamless sleep. His hair was quite disheveled and his glasses were haphazardly perched on his nose. Fumbling for the receiver, he first knocked it on the ground and then had to sit up in bed and reach for it on the ground.

"Yes, Basil, what is it?" His voice was groggy with sleep and he smacked his lips around the taste of morning breath. "Basil?" The intercom crackled and then died. Austin shook the intercom, then banged on it with the palm of his other hand. "Bloody piece of rubbish." He muttered to himself and stood up. Only, what he felt between his toes wasn't carpet. It should have been the shag rug, but it felt more like gritty dirt and sparse grass.

He looked down and wiggled his toes, finding that it was indeed, sand and grass... )
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Marcus's Arrival [Jun. 1st, 2008|07:56 pm]
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Who: Marcus and Tonks
When: Day 1, Late Afternoon
What: Marcus arrives
Where: Out behind the stables
Rating: PG
Status: Completed

Marcus was deep in meditation when he felt the unfamiliar tug. )
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[May. 30th, 2008|09:25 am]
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Who: Tonks and Xena
When: Day One, morning
What: Tonks' arrival and other such things
Where: In the desert near the resort
Rating: PG, will change as needed
Status: Completed

It was a cold, dreary day in London, but the young witch didn't let that get her down. Actually, since it was rarely anything but a cold, dreary day, she was used to it and it seemed quite normal. There was just a hint of rain on the wind, enough to make her shiver in her purple wizards robes. Her hair, of course, was the exact same shade of purple, and she had it shoulder-length. Today was one of her coordinating days, and she was quite proud of the effect she got in the form of double takes from people walking by, wizards and muggles alike.

I don't think we're in London anymore, Toto )
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