Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Jul. 27th, 2008|12:34 pm]
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Who: Lois Lane and Clark Kent
What: Lois reunites with a friend from home.
Where: Her room at first then the Coffee Bar/Cafe
When: Afternoon; Day 9
Rating: PG; Subject to Change
Status: In Progress

Not Alone anymore )
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[Jul. 14th, 2008|06:41 pm]
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Who: Christian and lois lane
Where:In the garden
When:day 7, afternoonish
What Pheromone day
Rating TBD
Status: In progress

Put a smile on your face Make the world a better.. )
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Day 06 [Jul. 7th, 2008|12:57 pm]
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Who: Jun and OTA
When: Day 6, Morning
What: Just Relaxing
Where: The Sauna
Rating: PG13 (?) (Sauna Nekkidness LOL)
Status: In Progress

A morning with Jun… )
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[Jun. 20th, 2008|11:48 am]
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Who: Lois Lane, Tonks, and Marcus Cole
When: Day 4, Midday
What: The Arrival of Lois Lane
Where: The Desert; **EDIT**And the Dude Ranch appearing an eye distance away from the horizon.
Rating: To Be Discovered; but PG for now.
Status: Complete

Somehow, We are not in Kansas Anymore, To-to. )
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