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July 2014
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metemmods [userpic]
This Week's Symptoms!

Hello, lovelies. Still not done with the suffering!

This week? The neuropathy is now everywhere. No escape. Everything hurts. Also, you get to experience dangerously high fevers this week! 103, 104, higher yet!

Also, as a reminder, you have through Friday this week to respond on where you'd like to go from here. I need to hear back from at least 5 people or I'll have to assume the game is abandoned. I can move forward with a minimum of six players, but I need to know I have at least five besides myself willing to do this. So, y'know, encourage your fellow players to respond. It's important if you want to keep playing. Those of you who already have replied, I very much appreciate and value your feedback.

If for any reason you're unable or unwilling to post your thoughts there, you are welcome to message me privately through whatever method you prefer most. My info is all on the Contact Page. At this time, I'm not weighing in on any suggestions just yet, if only so it doesn't look like I'm favoring or disfavoring any one idea over another. But, once I have the feedback in, it will be reviewed carefully and I will keep you all posted on any decisions made.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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