04 June 2012 at 05:29 pm
[ click! a young woman, seventeen or eighteen at the oldest, is peering expectantly into the video feed. after a moment or two of fiddling with the communicator, she starts talking - to herself. ]

A network-interface device of some sort, huh...? Might be worth looking into, assuming I can put it back together.

[ she grins at that, cracking her knuckles like she's accepting some sort of challenge in the process. ]

Anyway, looks like it's on, so- [ she clears her throat. ] Greetings, fellow inmates! My name's Lucca, and I... [ she pauses for a few moments, awkwardly adjusting her glasses before continuing. ] To be honest, I'm not really sure how to introduce myself here. It's a prison, right...? On second thought, maybe that's all that needs said right now.

[ she flushes a teeny bit, barging on nonetheless. ] Anyway - I understand the need to remove all weaponry upon arrival. It's a sensible approach, really! But just in case our robotic captor is listening... I don't suppose I'd be able to bargain for the return of my Wondershot? Even if it's converted to a non-operational state - an easy fix! - I'd still kind of like it. The thing's got sentimental value, you know!

[ there's a bit of a pause after all that. and then- ]

...Robo, Ayla- Crono- heck, anyone, just let me know if you see this. Until then, guess I'm getting used to this place.

[ and with that, she shuts off the feed. ]
04 June 2012 at 08:30 pm
Hello – is there someone who can hear me? Is what the brochure in the basket said – is it true? We're considered criminals here?

[ She makes a quiet 'mm,' sound, acknowledging and pondering the situation all at once. ]

If that's the case… Is there anyone here who can tell me, have you seen a young girl with a pink ribbon in her hair, named Marlene? She might have had a boy with – [ You can almost hear the slight smile in her voice when she speaks. ] – light brown hair, a bit long, with her. They were with me, not too long ago... Surely, they could have been brought here, too... [ She's concerned, but also very hopeful. It's possible, right? Completely possible.]

I would be grateful for any information you could offer me! I need to find them as soon as I can. [ And then another thought occurs to her. Marlene and Denzel weren't the only members of her family there in the church with them. What if some of the people she knows are already here, and can hear her? ]

Barret? Are you here? [ And, of course... Though he's doing so much better than he was before, she is always concerned for his well being...]

04 June 2012 at 08:25 pm
[There's a new female voice on the network, Marina, and she sounds pissed. Not that this isn't business as usual by now, I'm sure.]

How dare you entrap me like this! Whoever you are who has done this, it is unforgivable – taking me from Alaitoc in her hour of need! Whatever you are; human, chaos, dark ones, necrontyr or something else entirely, you will be punished for this, make no mistake.
[ Day 170 ]
04 June 2012 at 07:51 pm
Good morning, everyone. Today is the 170th day of the third generation, and new inmates will be arriving in the facility. Please consider yourselves forewarned about the appearances, and I encourage everyone to help out if they're so inclined -- your consideration will make it easier on them.

Today will be cool and clear once again. After some discussion and inmate suggestion, I've decided that tomorrow it would be nice to hold a small event... for both all of you, and for the animals in the pet cafe! I will be relocating the animals to the park for the day, and interested parties can come and play with them, or even adopt them. I'll make sure it's nice and warm.
[action / backdated to midafternoon]
04 June 2012 at 08:37 am
[it's a clear day, and they've put it off for one reason or another long enough: Ven and Roxas are meeting up for the contest to end all contests, the glider race!]

[Roxas has been practicing with his keyblade glider regularly to try and get more skilled with it, and he thinks he's pretty good. but Ven has been at this for longer than he has -- if not too much longer; he knows Ven has only been trained for a year, right? -- and so he isn't confident he'll win. but he's determined to at least make the match close]

[and that's the story of how two identical boys have gathered in the park with keyblades in hand...]
[ Closed to Housemates ]
03 June 2012 at 01:08 am
[ It's late, and Touma is half asleep in a recliner. He was waiting for Sasha to get off of her shift, but didn't think to do anything to entertain himself while he did so. Thinking only went so far, and it is exactly those thoughts that he wants to voice which are keeping him here.

The boy jolts awake when the front door shuts, sits up, and rubs at his eyes. ]
Erm... Sasha? Is that you? [ There are, after all, two possibilities. ]
[ action | open ]
01 June 2012 at 10:51 pm
[Tieria had tried to isolate himself most of the day. He had Haro with him, and was in the butterfly pavilion, watching the robot interact with the delicate insects as he himself worked in spurts on communicating with him. He wasn't doing much beyond that, though, other than hoping people wouldn't find him there. He had been through an awkward day yesterday, and it was taking a bit to get past it.]
[video / action] closed
01 June 2012 at 06:48 pm
[Private to Spencer Reid]

Hey, so. Still up for that movie?

If you'd rather be alone with Kitty instead, I understand. [Playfully winking.]

[action/ closed to Cross Marian - earlier that morning]

[So this part of her morning she was not exactly looking forward to. Yesterday was a very strange day. The aftermath of which she wasn't exactly having fun sorting through, but having to deal with. Even if it meant dealing with those lovely feelings of residual guilt. She was, however, very much looking forward to a warm shower and a quick change of clothes. And something to eat.

Sliding in through the door, she closes it quietly behind her before slinking into the kitchen.]
[ Open Action ]
01 June 2012 at 12:11 am
[ Who is that lone figure stalking the streets after sundown? Whoever it is, they're moving a little more carefully than usual. The darkness isn't an issue, as the dome is well-lit enough, but when half of your vision is permanently blocked out, and you're not used to it, you tend to be more cautious.

Oh yeah. Neil is wearing fresh bandages pulled over his right eye. Those who knew him when he first arrived (and those who say the "other" version of him) will probably find this somewhat ironic. The Meister doesn't look too happy about his predicament. It might have to do with the fight at the beach with Kira, yesterday, that led to this injury.

Or it could be because the bandages were wrapped so that it pulled his brow down in somewhat of a permanent scowl. The lighting probably doesn't help.

Whatever it is, the man just wants to get home. He has spent enough time nursing his injured pride. I'm sure he would just love to be stopped on his path from the hospital to his home in Sector 4. ]
[open | action]
30 May 2012 at 09:45 pm
[BEWARE! Anyone visiting the store today may be subjected to home decor shoppers! Euphie may have cheerfully dragged Suzaku to pick out some new things for their very large, nearly empty home. They've both been missing Lelouch, Nunnally, C.C. and everyone else from their world. Not to mention Ryoji and other friends who have left the dome. It's time to cheer the place up and focus on the good things that are left which is best done with some new drapes and a vase or two.]

(OOC: We'll be avoiding 3-way threads for the sake of speed, but you should be tagged by Euphie and Suzaku.)
[ video | closed to Kira ]
30 May 2012 at 09:40 pm
[ Video - Closed to Kira]

Hey Kira. I just wanted to let you know I've picked you to be my new roommate if you want. You can come over any time and move your stuff in or get a better tour or I guess whatever you need to do. I suppose you need a key too, so I should give you that.

Anyways, if you're still interested let me know, and welcome to the apartment!
action // closed // afternoon
30 May 2012 at 09:52 pm
[So maybe it had been a decision made under the influence, but compared to all the other decisions made the day before, this was a fairly tame one. Productive, even.

Of course, he wasn't entirely sure if Helix would even show up but after everything that went down Reid kind of needed a breather anyway, and so he retreated to the library to wait and sort out his thoughts, chess board already set up on one of the corner tables.]
29 May 2012 at 01:41 pm
Closed to Marian Hawke )
28 May 2012 at 10:41 pm
[Serious face, deadpan mannerisms, not wanting to talk about feelings or sob life stories. Okay good, everything really did seem back to normal.]

We've reached normality. Let's hope it stays this way.

[A pause.]

Oi, Asshole, let's go for drinks. I could really use some.

[Another pause.]

So wait, does this mean optional clothing at the beach can't be a thing we have forever? Shit. Should've soaked it up while I had the chance.
[Video | Action to Roommates]
28 May 2012 at 07:54 pm
Pre-Video )

[Large brown eyes open, and a familiar, petite girl appears on screen. Only something's missing. A lot of something. Where long, thick hair once rolled past her shoulders, it's short, now, barely sneaking past the bottom of her chin. Sitting at a vanity in her room, she doesn't bother to draw attention to it. That isn't her reason for turning the device on.]

I've done a lot of thinking since I came to this place. It's cruel and unfair while treating everyone equal. We never know what to expect, either - whether it's an uprising or even chemical gases in the air. There's just no telling. But whether trying to escape or making this your permanent home, it's where we live for the time being.

That's why, I think it's good to protect what we do have here. Because what happens here is just as real as at home.

[She shakes her head]

Because I couldn't remember a good chunk of my time in Marina in the past, I've felt uncertain about a lot of different things. And even more confused and upset by actions at home, but - I think I'm finally beginning to figure things out.

[Eyes closing she draws a deep, peaceful breath.]

I know some people were effected negatively yesterday. To those of you who were, remember that today's a new day. Don't punish yourself for the past, and just concentrate on the present. In the end that's the only thing we have control of. I'll do the same, too. [A nod, before glancing back up into the screen, jaw set in determination.]

Suzuka-san, it's not too late to join the Defense Force, right? Lavi-kun - I promise I'll study for the next test. And Zero? Let's go get shio ramen together.

[OOC: Yuuki hacked off her hair. The majority of her icons won't reflect this, though (yet) so please bare with it! Had to use the current one though, because yay short hair!]
[ Day 169 ]
28 May 2012 at 07:15 pm
Good morning, everyone. I'm glad that there was little trouble yesterday, and you will all be happy to know that all traces of the chemical have been filtered out, and the effects some of you were experiencing should have worn off completely.

Those of you who were engaged in... rule-breaking behavior yesterday under the influence can rest assured that after consideration, I have decided not to exact punishment, since I am aware that you were not capable of making informed decisions. Please remember that, in the future, certain behaviors are not acceptable by this facility's rules, and you may review the facility rules in various locations throughout the dome.

Elena Gilbert, I have retrieved your personal belongings, as per your request. You may ask any robot in Sector 0 for them, and they will be retrieved.
[voice / action / closed to Roxas]
28 May 2012 at 09:33 am
[the smell of cigarette smoke lingers in Ritsuka's bedroom, as bitter and suffocating as the secrets Soubi had finally revealed just moments before.

It can't be true.

Ritsuka knows how often Soubi lies to him. but until now, Soubi's lies have always seemed to be about protecting Ritsuka in some strange way. saying he loved him. saying he didn't know anything about seven moons. reassuring him that Seimei wasn't cruel.


Soubi wouldn't lie about something so serious; Soubi wouldn't be sadistic enough to tell Ritsuka that Seimei is alive when he really isn't. it would serve no purpose, and if Ritsuka were thinking more charitably he would acknowledge that Soubi would never lie to hurt him. so it has to be true.

Seimei is alive.

somewhere, somehow, Ritsuka would have gotten to see his brother again. for the first time since his arrival Ritsuka regrets being brought to the prison. but before he can dwell too much on what it means for Seimei to be alive in a world Ritsuka no longer belongs to, another more heart-wrenching thought seizes him.

Seimei is alive, and Soubi didn't tell me.

even if Soubi thought they were from the same point in time, it had been nearly a week since they had figured out the truth. nearly a week and Soubi had not said one word until now. and that, above all things, is what Ritsuka cannot handle right now. that is what makes him burst out of the room, not even bothering to lock the door behind him, and run as fast as he can to Roxas's clocktower. half of it is instinct, the strong sense of comfort he feels around his friend driving him towards him, but Ritsuka is also strongly aware of how deep his trust runs with Roxas. he has shared secrets with him he's barely breathed a word of to anyone else here, and it is that trust he needs right now.

he makes his way to the base of the clocktower, sweaty and shivering in the chill night air. he takes a moment to catch his breath, finally switching his communicator on voice:]


[ooc: happens soon after this post with Soubi]
[action|video|open|backdated to late afternoon]
27 May 2012 at 01:51 pm
[It's not unusual to find Ukitake enjoying a drink or two. He's a grown man, after all, and some days call for a swallow of sake. It is, however, unusual to find Ukitake drinking in public, in large quantities, alone.

The Soul Reaper captain is wrapped in the black and white of his uniform as he leans forward to address the fish in the koi pond in front of him. His long hair sweeps over his shoulders until the tips of the white locks dip into the water. He addresses the fish below in a drunken slur.]

Do you know ... your cousins in Soul Society seem to multiply by division. One morning I'm out in the garden, and there are only ten of you with tancho markings. The next day, I could swear there are twenty! Sometimes I wonder if Unohana-senpai makes my medicine too strong. Not that I want to argue with her. [Here, he levels a finger at the indifferent fish.] Never argue with your physician. I think she even intimidates Kyouraku. I miss him, you know. Over two thousand years as friends, and suddenly, he's gone, only not the way I would have expected, and my replacement is probably trying to convince him to give up sake and women.
3rd Fireball [video]
26 May 2012 at 10:35 pm
[Lina's snores are pretty tiny, but all that doesn't matter, considering the odd mutterings that are sprinkled between her steady breathing. She's curled up on the floor of what some in-mates might recognize as Zelgadis's residence.

What some might not recognize, however, save for a very 'special' blonde swords-woman, is that the floor deemed as Lina's new nap spot is none other than the bedroom...and the bed that once rested against the wall was somehow--in some miraculous, abhorrent feat of utter destruction--split crudely down the middle and thrown against opposing ends of the wall.]

...mmn...n'decent...[She stirred slightly, but Lina showed no sign of stirring anytime soon.]
[Voice//Action | Private]
26 May 2012 at 12:40 pm
[It's not long after Kira and Neil's fight ended that Lacus knows about it -- at least, the latter part, thanks to Anew's heads-up. It takes her a few hours to finally take any action, however, giving everyone a moment to calm a bit. Herself included.]

[After finding that Neil won't see her (something she really shouldn't be surprised about), Lacus wastes no time opening a private channel to Kira -- voice rather than video, which is unusual for her.]

[Neil may not be answering her, but Kira always would.]

[Voice | Private | (Mostly) Unhackable]

Kira? I heard about earlier... I'd like to see you.

((OOC: If your character wants to try their luck hacking a highly personal discussion that's probably very boring to anyone but the people involved, please contact me OOCly first. With Lacus and Kira BOTH on the line it'll be a very significant challenge.]