06 October 2009 at 02:09 am
Hikaru Hitachiin
Thanks for the other day, guys... Kamui, Zero... kind of late with the thanks but I felt the need to put it out there. I'm no good with this stuff.

The beach party was nice. It's kind of weird to think that fall is now beginning. Summer went by so quickly. I guess this means we don't really have birthdays... So does this mean we don't age, too? I'm okay with being young forever, hee~

I think I'll grab a bite to eat and then head on over to the pet cafe. I finally feel like I'm ready to have some sort of furry, cuddly company~

I couldn't do that disc thing. I already miss Kaoru too much. I don't want to know what happens in the future. I just can't see him be happy without my being there to help him achieve it... even if technically, I do end up helping him in my world, but... it's just not the same. And if it turns out to be the opposite of that, I can't see him sad either. I can't, not if I'm here and not physically there to comfort him... even if I really am. I don't want to know the future. The thought of it... I can't take it.
06 October 2009 at 12:08 pm
Cornelia li Britannia
[Cornelia is walking through the gardens, perhaps hoping to run into her sister who had been making herself scarce lately. Her expression is thoughtful.

She had attended the party yesterday, but only for the sake of procuring her mini-disc. She'd watched her future play out with someone who looked and sounded just like her in the starring role.

Unnerving was an apt description of the experience, if a bit understated.

There would be much to correct if once she returned.]
[Action/Voice- Open]
06 October 2009 at 12:29 pm
[Bakura pulls the last tray of cookies out of the oven, setting it next to the bowls of dozens of other cookies. There are snickerdoodles, chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, one plate of brownies, russian wedding cakes, chocolate crinkles...needless to say he hadn't been able to sleep and had gotten up early to start baking. He liked to do it when he was stressed, and needless to say, he had been stressed. Now he just needs to get rid of them all.]

If anyone is interested, I've made a few batches of cookies. Come on by and grab some, if you would like.
[ Action | Open ]
06 October 2009 at 12:59 pm
[ Terminal is engaged while costumed up in various exercises. Observing all the other still restrained inmates that are forced to engage in exercise, he begins to start up some conversation. ]

Query: Yoga is originally a Indian meditation and physical practice commonly used by in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It involves physical training as well as mental discipline, deep meditation, and general eastern philosophy. Sentience however is a program made up of computer code who at its core is govern by cold unfeeling logic. Putting aside the ridiculous situation of making us do exercise, why would it force us to engage in Yoga instead of simple weight training which requires no philosophy or deep thought? If its objective was truly exercise, then weight training and aerobics would the optimal choice don't you all agree?

[ OCC: General Exercise Thread for those characters still restrained. Perfect time for everyone's favorite activity, Sentience Gossip. Also Terminal is trying to actually be friendly (or at least not hostile) here and not creepy. ]
Location: Sector 6: Athletic Complex
[Action | OPEN]
06 October 2009 at 02:12 pm
黒鋼 (Kurogane)
[Kurogane is in the library.
Tucked up against a shelf of books in between a row of art history and something-or-other, the tall ninja looks deceptively small with his legs folded beneath him and his face shoved in a book. As is typical of him, he’s wearing all black. The hideously bright clothing Fai had brought him remains untouched back in his apartment only because he keeps waiting for the mage to show up and tease him with it. Stupid, really.
Blood red eyes are focused intently on the pages of the comic book he’s reading. Though he looks distracted, he’s still pretty aware of his surroundings (except when a great battle scene occasionally draws him in). It wouldn’t do to let his ninja intuition rust just because he was indulging in a secret pleasure, after all.
Any beings with superhuman senses ought to be able to smell the distinctive scent of blood in the air around the dark ninja, as his troublesome robotic arm is still giving him hell where it connects to his shoulder. As irritating and painful as it might be, however, Kurogane is determined to ignore the problem.]

((responses will vary depending on who catches him geeking out))
Location: The Library
06 October 2009 at 07:08 pm
Well... I've been here for a day now, and it seems I'll be here for a while, so... I might as well introduce myself.

Good morning to everyone at Marina Asylum. My name is Nunnally vi Britannia, but I'm not the Nunnally many of you already know. I come from an alternate world to the one she and her friends and family are from. I know it's a bit confusing, but it doesn't seem to be an unusual concept in this place.

I look forward to getting to know the rest of you here!

((OOC: Comments, icons, and such-as will contain Nightmare of Nunnally spoilers.))
[Action | Open - Help plz?]
06 October 2009 at 10:59 pm
Conrad Weller
[After baseball practice and a shower Conrad settles himself in the library, close to the entrance. He figures this is the last place he'd run into Yuuri, and hopefully somewhere he can find others who are willing to help plan him a belated but much needed surprise birthday party. It is - or was - Yuuri's sixteenth, after all.]

[In front of Conrad is a piece of paper with the title "Yuuri's Sixteenth Birthday" on top, but he has a view of the door to hide it easily if Yuuri happens by. It's blank so far.]

[If he's lucky, Conrad's hoping to run into Wolfram and the Great Sage to enlist help (and to avoid the consequences for not involving them, on Wolfram's part at least). But even if not, he needs some help. Gunter usually takes care of these things at home.]

[OOC: Backdated/postdated/otherwise-dated to after baseball practice. Late, yes, but Yuuri needs a surprise party! However it'll be fairly lame if Conrad plans it alone -- help him please! We can incorporate zany KKM-like traditions even! Anyone who wants to help please tag Conrad or amongst yourselves, but we'll also find some way to invite people despite being filterless still.]