May 1st, 2017




Hey guys! As you may have noticed, we've been fiddling away at the game for the past two weeks and it looks like we're mostly done by now! In the spirit of transparency, here's a run-down of what's been done. Some of these are really important so I'd suggest you read through the whole thing.
NEW PAGE FOR APPLICATIONS/HIATUS/AC - already announced, but here's a reminder in case you missed it. It's very important that you fill out the form for your character/s there if you haven't already! The old taken page will be removed shortly, with the new one serving as intent to stay in the game. Not filling it out will count as an assumed drop and your character risk being removed from the game!

NEW MOD CONTACT POST - including a new email;

GAME CALENDAR REMOVED - will be replaced by a monthly event post, the first one coming up on Monday!

OOC RULES UPDATED - Please take a moment to review them!

• Adding new tags to the main comm is now open to every journal that is a member. Please do this as it makes it easier for you or other players to find old threads.

FAQ UPDATED - Includes new information on arrival, as well as tweaks to the game.

LOCALE UPDATED - Most importantly, there is no sentinel presence anymore. Maintenance bots are still around.

NEW LAYOUTS - on [info]marinanova and [info]marinanova_ooc!

• NEW PROFILES - on [info]marinanova and [info]marinanova_ooc!

NEW PLAYER RUN POST - Fill it out if your character runs a business, holds a class or organises an activity! This is not mandatory, but makes it easier for everyone.

• Haunt's departure has been added to the history of Marina.

• Lots of old obsolete pages removed, including IC crimes and the arrival post.

We'll continue to tweak and polish as we find things that need tweaking and polishing, but for now the big, functional things should be done. Please let us know if you find a broken link, a typo or a sentence that doesn't make any sense! We appreciate your help immensely!




Here are the scheduled events for the month of May! Individual plotting posts to come as we get closer to them!

Day 426 - May 1-7 - Open!
Day 427 - May 8-14 - Group Therapy
Day 428 - May 15-21 - Ice cream Sunday
Day 429 - May 22-28 - Naked and Afraid.
Day 430 - May 28 - June 4 - Museum exhibit: Dildos of the Ages

Do you have suggestions for future events you'd like to see, or something player-run you want us to schedule in? Maybe your character runs an organisation that could use some free advertising? Your caretakers are here for your every need!




On Day 427 there will be a much needed group therapy day, graciously hosted by the caretakers in an effort to help you through these changing and trying times. While it's no longer mandatory, it is encouraged to attend for your own well-being and both Mary and Jaden will personally be there to live by example. There will also be snacks and drinks to keep things light.

The groups will be created through ooc suggestions, and will icly be arranged by the caretakers or by the characters themselves if they are inclined to lead a group. The activities range from drawing your feelings to trust falls or simply talking out your problems - or maybe something more creative! Have fun with this one, marinanites! Your character is of course welcome to attend as many group therapy sessions as they may need!

Truth serum? Those of you who remember the last group therapy may also remember that the characters were influenced by a truth serum that allowed them to speak more freely than they normally would. Officially this is no longer the case, Marina being a free dome of sorts, but the caretakers are still straightening out code and strengthening firewalls. Perhaps there's a string or two accidentally left in there, in case your character needs a bit of a push?

Opt out? Group therapy is not mandatory. If your character doesn't want to attend, they are welcome to stay at home, bottling up their emotions.

Questions? Ask them here.

Plotting? Use this post to plot among yourselves and start therapy groups! We'll link them below as they come up!

Current groups:

• Turning a New Leaf - coping with world separation anxiety.
• Poly-amorous Individuals - how to manage the dodecahedron of love.
• PTSD and You.
• Murderers Anonymous
• Addicts Anonymous.
• Counting Days - Managing Life with a Terminal Illness.
• Phobias and You.
• Impostor Syndrome - you really do belong here.
• Abandonment Issues Support Group