July 10th, 2016



Home sweet home.

Hello! This is Kathrine and I am back because I can never stay gone from Marina for too long.

Today I am bringing this lovely mess of low self-esteem, one Miranda Lotto, from D.Gray-man. This isn't the Miranda I played here before, but she is a CRAU from another game called A_Facility, which was a torture box in space, and then she went to Haven, which was a horror town.

Miranda is still mostly the same, although, Marina will be the most peaceful place she's seen in a long time, even though it's a prison, haha. Please don't mind the eyepatch.

I can be reached through Miranda's HMD, email at spkathrine[@]gmail.com or by private plurk at chocolateisbrainfood. If you're interested in knowing more about Miranda's time in her two previous games, I wrote up a post here.



+1 speedster

Hey everyone!

My name is Lee, and some of you may remember that I was here with Wally West from the first season of the DC animated show Young Justice before. Well both of us are back, but Wally comes from a slightly earlier canon-point this time around and won't have any memories from his previous stay in the prison.

For those who aren't familiar with Wally's character, he's pretty much your typical teenage boy who very nearly blew himself up recreating a science experiment in an attempt to gain super-speed so he could fight crime with his uncle in his spare time. He's also a big fan of food, science, flirting with girls, and being a dork in general.

I mean, just look at him. )

If anyone wants to contact me, they can hit up his HMD/Contact post at his journal here, email me at cgramm20@gmail.com, or simply sending a private message to this journal.




We've been reviewing the apps and will comment to each apper shortly! Once you've been accepted, our current players will post here to introduce their new characters! Tell us:
• Who you are

• Who you play and who you apped

• Maybe a little of what they're like

• How we can contact you

• Anything else you think is important!

Then other people will comment to be enthusiastic. ♥ New players can also post here if they're more comfortable with it. Everyone will be let into the IC community Monday after the daypost.





AC RECLAIM — Last chance to reclaim if you missed AC! Non-responders will be swept!
PLEASURE PRISON — Ends today! If you still have posts you want to do, get them in now!
APPS CLOSED — Go greet some newcomers!
Drop digest - this last week we lost;
— Sam Winchester, [info]tallerthanthou
— Yuuri Shibuya, [info]demon_king

This is your post to fill up however you please. Tell people it's your birthday. Show pictures of your cat. Post fanart and fanfic for the game. Request AC help. Start some plotting. Brag about a thread. Start memes. Free-for-all!

Mod Contact | Marina Calendar | Player-run Organization Directory | Permission Post Directory



+1 Time Lord

Hello everyone! My name is Liz and I'm a total newbie here bringing in the 10th Doctor from Doctor Who. I've been playing him dating back to livejournal circa 2011 with this same username. I'm also on dreamwidth with him as nevermindtherunning. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to bringing him back into a game! It's been so long! He doesn't have any previous game history given I sort of completely broke him. It's best to give him a clean slate :)

For those familiar with canon, he's coming from his specials after Planet of the Dead. He hasn't been through the 50th anniversary or Time Lord Victorious (forever my favorite storyline).

Unfortunately I won't be able to debut him quite yet. I'm going on a trip starting Tuesday and won't be back until the 19th. I'll probably debut him on the 20. Sorry guys!

The best way to contact me is through e-mail deathnomiko@gmail.com, PM this journal, and I have a plurk bluescrubs. However, due to personal reasons, I'm pretty limited on plurk. If you ping me, I'll totally answer, though!

I'm looking forward to playing with you all~