June 25th, 2016



TDM Survey Follow Up

We just wanted to thank everyone for their feedback on our test-drive memes (TDM). We used some of the input to retool our current TDM! It gives a few very grounded scenarios that fit well into the game's theme as well as the opportunity to pick from any event we've ever done.

All ideas were considered, but some won't be implemented and we wanted to explain our overarching reasoning. Our main priority is always to the game itself, so as much as we would like for those with the time and inclination to tag potential appers on the TDM, we want the focus and encouragement to remain on in-game interaction. Our mission with the TDM is as a way for people to test drive the setting of MarinaNova first and foremost. Ideally, it's for people who have never played in the game, but might be interested. (New blood!) We are, of course, happy for anyone to use it for voice testing, AU scenarios, or anything really! There were some good suggestions for driving interest in the TDM, but we felt they would pull too much focus from the game which is always our first priority.

We did debate allowing threads to be optional canon for some time, but ultimately decided against it. We want all game canon to exist within [info]marinanova for the ease and access of all players. It also creates a conflict with the game structure, since newcomers go through processing on a specific day and specific circumstances. The TDM allows the players to voice test scenarios that won't match with what's happening in game, such as events, and we feel like it's more important to have a wide variety of TDM circumstances rather than try to shoehorn it into game canon. This way players are also free to duplicate past events, should they wish to.

We want to thank all those who responded. Input is very important to us even if we won't always incorporate it. We do always consider it! It's good to know what is useful and motivating to you. We will likely have more pointed discussion questions in the future, but please know that you can contact us about absolutely anything at any time. If you have a question about why we aren't currently implementing something specific that was mentioned, please feel free to ask. Thanks!