June 19th, 2016



Sunday Speakeasy


ROUGHING IT EVENT — The final dayweek of this event is coming up.
PLEASURE PRISON EVENT — Event info will be coming your way tomorrow.
TEST-DRIVE MEME — Enjoy and share! This is the one for your use for the next few months.

What do you like to see in the test-drive meme? We've had a few different styles: 1, 2, 3. Do you like that we rotate different kinds through? Would you prefer the same one each time? Do you have a preference between these three or is there something else you'd like to see? You can always do anything you want with them of course, but some people prefer more open-ended and some people want more details to work from, so what do you want? What do you think you'd want as someone interested in the game for the first time? We're doing a quarterly frequency right now where we re-announce them monthly. How do you feel about that? All your thoughts, give them to us! RESPOND HERE.

Edit: The current TDM has been updated based on some of the feedback since it went up so recently and will likely be up for awhile. Please continue to provide your thoughts on any aspect. It's always good to know what a wide cross section of the game is thinking. And thanks to those who have put their two cents in already.

This is your post to fill up however you please. Tell people it's your birthday. Show pictures of your cat. Post fanart and fanfic for the game. Request AC help. Start some plotting. Brag about a thread. Start memes. Free-for-all!

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