May 8th, 2016



Follow Up Activity Check

April activity check is over! Characters who did not pass this time include:

These characters must be reclaimed by the 10th at 11:59pm EST or they will be removed from the game. Reclaim by replying to this post with the name of the character(s).

aiffection (ai kuran) [RECLAIMED]
bigdogninja (kurogane) [RECLAIMED]
calamitygod (yato)
festumborn (soushi minashiro) [RECLAIMED]
notthatpond (amy pond (spn))
originalouryuu (zeno) [RECLAIMED]

Please comment if we've made a mistake. We're human. Those happen!

Not voicing your intent to remain in the game by the 10th for any reason is a presumed drop. If you want to drop a character please be considerate and use the drop page rather than making potential appers and castmates wait.



hello hello!!

Hey lovelies! I'm Zi and I'm bringing one Bonnie Bennett from The Vampire Diaries! It's so good to be here again (I was around a few years back with Bart Allen!) and so I'm 110% aware that there was a Bonnie Bennett before. I'm super down for confusion and shenanigans that would stem from that. :>

This Bonnie's older and more confident - spending a year in a prison world will do that to you - and for those unfamiliar with TVD, she's the resident witch who uses her magic like a big "get out of plot free" coupon. Need a locator spell? Someone set on fire, perhaps? A big giant barrier? She's got your back. (Well, in spirit - the Wardens dialed the destructive capabilities a ton.)

If you need to reach me for plotting purposes, I'm usually on aim (my sn's bengali sonata, i'm old-school) OR you can use a general contact/HMD post!

I'm super pumped to be back, and I look forward to shenanigans. ♥



Sunday Speakeasy


APPS CLOSED! — Make our new arrivals feel welcome!
SHARED DREAMING OVER — Wake up! Only normal, unshared dreams from now on!
AC FOLLOW UP — Reclaim your character if you wish to remain in the game!
Drop digest - this last week we lost;
— Souji Okita, [info]sadistsword

This is your post to fill up however you please. Tell people it's your birthday. Show pictures of your cat. Post fanart and fanfic for the game. Request AC help. Start some plotting. Brag about a thread. Start memes. Free-for-all!

Mod Contact | Marina Calendar | Player-run Organization Directory | Permission Post Directory



+1 teenaged chess master

It's been literally a million years and I expect very few of you to recognize me but HELLO I'm Li (she/her fyi) and I am technically a former player. ♥ I come bearing this pretty bastard:

who I've never played before so that's both exciting and nervewracking and let's just go ahead and link the hmd/contact post now.

Lelouch is very sociable and smiley and innocuous and also right at this very moment plotting six different contingency plans in the event of your inevitable betrayal but deep down he's a fundamentally gentle person who's had to construct multiple walls of pragmatic, murderous armor to survive in a cruel world.

The party trick in his eye is the geass of Absolute Obedience, which has of course been somewhat neutered but still functions more or less like a one-use vampiric compulsion. (Since TVD is now on my mind.) At his canon point, it's actually in both of his eyes, and he wears special contact lenses to avoid geassing everyone around him all the time. Lelouch has been known to use his geass pretty impulsively, so a permissions post is high on my to-do list for both that and ALL OF THE HACKING AND STALKING OF THE NETWORK he's going to do, but of course literally nothing is going to happen to anyone without OOC permission so no worries ♥

um um what else I'm kind of always on plurk these days so libekory is a good place to get a hold of me, but gchat or email (rain.brass.petals) is a great backup!

eta: oh yeah, permissions post!




We've been reviewing the apps and will comment to each apper shortly! Once you've been accepted, our current players will post here to introduce their new characters! Tell us:
• Who you are

• Who you play and who you apped

• Maybe a little of what they're like

• How we can contact you

• Anything else you think is important!

Then other people will comment to be enthusiastic. ♥ New players can also post here if they're more comfortable with it. Everyone will be let into the IC community Monday after the daypost.