January 29th, 2015



Hiatus/AC/Apps Makeover

Remember that game discussion post we had a while back? We've taken your opinions to heart and a machete to certain parts of the game, in an effort to make this easier on all of us.

This is still a work in progress and we have a lot of loose threads to tie up, but for the time being the following changes have been made:


Hiatuses are no more. No more hiatuses. Before you panic, let me tell you about our second change:


Starting this month (kind of last month as it turns out), the activity check for MarinaNova will be check in only. That's right, all you have to do is raise a hand and say you're still here. Need a month off? No problem. Take the month off! No more counting comments, no more math with threads. Just say you're still here and you're golden.

That said, we still expect some activity and will be checking in through the character tags with some regularity to make sure you're actually playing at all and not just claiming characters without using them. You have to take them out of the package and get them dirty! No collector's sets here!



We have cut back on some of the requirements in an effort to make the process go faster while still getting us the information we need for making good decisions. Most notably the personality and suitability sections are gone for canon characters and we ask for very brief descriptions for OCs, AUs, etc.



More is on the way. We will need to update/check all of the game information to make sure these changes are accurately reflected. There are also some other areas of the game that are cumbersome/time-intensive that we are considering for revisions. Some aspects may also come with some IC changes, but these details haven't been worked out yet! When they are you'll get another post like this.

Change can be hard and scary, but we're here for you! Hopefully, we're all here for each other. Let us know what's on your mind as we update you on ours. You can respond here or contact us however you prefer.