October 13th, 2014



There and... Back again!

Hello sweeties! I am returned from the depths of emotional turmoil! I had a big cleaning of my head, all the cobwebs are out and about somewhere else. (There is a place of Welsh-Accented drama within me that would just not leave me alone.)

My name is Olivia, I am in my early roaring 20's, and I am back once more to take up my career of playing Gwen Cooper. She is Welsh, tragically invested in keeping the good of the world going, and hunts aliens on a daily, when-she's-not-in-prison-basis. She is stubborn as all heck.

If you want to talk to me for various reasons, the best ways to contact me are

E-mail; kilander_l42@hotmail.com

Tubmlr; RoseofHufflepuff

or KIK; MsNittehat

I look forward to start having a life again. Many hugs and cupcakes, unless you don't like them then you can have something else, and I hope to play with as many of you as humanly possible.

+ 1 vampire newbie

Hello there! I'm Nadya, bringing in one Elena Gilbert from that show about vampires writing diaries or something. I have been shamelessly enabled into this game, and I am very much looking forward to being here!

As for Elena, she is coming from 5.07, Death and the Maiden, which is the episode where the Silas-arc draws to a close. She's a vampire, so a permission post is going to go up soon, and here is where her abilities are listed so far.

Plurk is the easiest way to get a hold of me, so feel free to add :)



+1 Half Vampire // Returning Player

Hey all! I'm Brooke and forever ago it feels like now, I brought this one here to MN and then life happened and I had to cut back on some stuff but now that things are more on track, I'm finally making good on my threat promise to return!

This is Rose Hathaway from Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy//Bloodlines series. She's a half human, half Vampire (exnay on the blood-drinking) who can sense the undead, see dead people and has issues with impulse control. She's like, one part Buffy, one part that kid from the Sixth Sense. If you play a Vampire, you should definitely check out her permissions post.

Anyway! If you have plurk, you should feel free to add me and I'm always open to random plotting so, don't be shy in asking me for anything and everything! Really looking forward to jumping in!