August 26th, 2014




We have decided to reduce our full Activity Check from 30 comments to 20 comments. Our half AC will be going from 15 to (you guessed it!) 10! All other elements will remain the same. You still need to be showing threads from at least 2 different posts. You can use up to 6 threads total, etcetera, etcetera.

This will start with the current (August) AC. Merry August!

We have a few other additions and tweaks coming down the pipes so this is a good time for feedback! Let us know what we're doing right and wrong and what you want to see more and less of. Respond to this post or use any contact you're comfortable using!

It's also time for us to schedule some awesome new events. Do you have any your character wants to create? For instance, we recently had the animal event thanks to [info]gotvoodoo. Please let us know. We'd love to schedule you in! Also, it doesn't have to be an event to that extent. Any game-wide mingle can be added to the calendar just so people know it's coming up and it gets announced.