July 13th, 2014



Newbie! Kind of!

Do your worst, Dr. Cox, I am not afraid.

Hello everybody, I'm Apa and I'm bringing Ken Murata from Kyou Kara Maou! to the game. Once upon a time, both Apa and Murata roamed Marina, but that was a long time ago. Murata is a dorky, sneaky, nosy teenager who loves obfuscating stupidity, using scary shiny glasses, and doing things that embarrass his friends, like wearing cammo-print speedos. He is friend to all, especially Yuuri Shibuya.

Some fun facts about Murata: since he's post-series, he is carrying two souls in his body. If your character can see/sense those sorts of things, they're welcome to! He also has a fun power that lets him boost other people's magic, though he'll swear up and down it only works for Yuuri. (He's lying, he does that a lot.) The last thing is he's a complete busybody and will listen to most open posts on the network.

Long story less long, I am most easily reached on plurk (feel free to add!), PM on this journal, or a comment on Muraken's HMD/Contact post. I've missed this game since I've been gone, and I'm really excited to be back.

Noob alert!

Hi all! I'm kri and I'm so pleased to be here! I'll be playing this lady, Umi from Magic Knight Rayearth. For those not in the know, she's a loud and mouthy magical girl who will be Extremely Not Happy to be here. So that'll be fun.





We've been reviewing the apps and will comment to each apper shortly! Once you've been accepted, our current players will post here to introduce their new characters! Tell us:
• Who you are

• Who you play and who you apped

• Maybe a little of what they're like

• How we can contact you

• Anything else you think is important!

Then other people will comment to be enthusiastic. ♥ New players can also post here if they're more comfortable with it. Everyone will be let into the IC community Monday after the daypost.





The dayweek has ended! It's time for announcements, memes, plotting, and .gifs! Catch up on game activity in our digests, and use the rest of the post as you see fit!

It is your post to fill up however you please. Tell people it's your birthday. Show pictures of your cat. Post fanart and fanfic for the game. Request AC help. Start some plotting. Brag about a thread. Start memes. Free-for-all!

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