June 30th, 2014





The dayweek has ended! It's time for announcements, memes, plotting, and .gifs! Catch up on game activity in our digests, and use the rest of the post as you see fit!

It is your post to fill up however you please. Tell people it's your birthday. Show pictures of your cat. Post fanart and fanfic for the game. Request AC help. Start some plotting. Brag about a thread. Start memes. Free-for-all!

Mod Contact | Marina Calendar | Player-run Organization Directory | Permission Post Directory



June Activity Check

Full activity check guidelines here.
Viable posts take place within June.
Respond before July 7 at 11:59pm EST.

• Comment here with one of these filled out for every character you play. You may post all characters in one comment, but it is also fine to split them especially if some characters meet AC earlier than others.

• Make sure to fill out every field.

• If you are using less than 6 threads please delete the extras though you are welcome to show a little extra activity as long as it doesn't exceed 6 threads.

• Replace "THREAD" with a link to a qualifying thread your character participated in. Replace "#" with the number of comments in that thread. If you use a thread that includes over 29 comments you are welcome to write 29+ rather than counting all of it.

• Do not update the comment number once you've replied, but you are welcome to continue tagging. It will help us know there are at least that many comments in the thread.

• The simplest way to report your AC is to link only one thread at a time! If you can click on the link and see multiple threads, you did not do this. Do not assume we will know you mean all the threads or only the first thread or only your two longest threads. If you want more flexibility see these examples, otherwise just link one thread at a time even if that means linking in after the first comment on a mingle. We will still count that comment even if we don't see it!

Rules Digest: Same as in the full guide linked above )

Any character who was admitted in June must respond, but is only responsible for half AC.

Examples: Check out previous AC examples from Haunt and Rica.
Questions: Here.



Calling all Medical People

Hey everyone,

So a few of us were plotting around about what would happen with the clinic now that Helen's gone and it came to our attention that not everyone interested is on Plurk. So I'm just goign to put this here.

Martha would be happy to take over. Back in her universe, she's the Chief Medical Officer of UNIT, so she has the experience, but if someone else really wants to run it, she'll let them. Mostly, I think we've been handwaiving who works there in the past, and I don't actually know who else is interested besides Karev and Phanan...

Martha will be contacting the wardens about it likely today or tomorrow OOC depending on what my tagging brain does. Mainly I wanted to put this up here so we could coordinate stuff.