May 24th, 2014



Hiatus (and plotting)

Just to let those I haven't already spoken to know: I'm going to be away in Corfu for the next week. I may have internet for some of the time, but am not really anticipating managing more than the odd tag. I will be back in England late on Monday 2 June but it's likely to be another day or two before I really get back into tagging.

In the meantime, feel free to have your characters discuss the Spike case amongst themselves - the ladies who've offered magical assistance with the ensouling could get together and look at the spell(s) Jack's found, and the Defence Force could possibly look into pooling together enough rehabilitation points to earn Spike's soul back.

Obviously we'll have to handwave Jack feeding back to the DF about his encounter with Spike, because he wouldn't be able to do that until next dayweek when everyone's awake again. If anyone wants to play out any conversations about that (or anything) I am very happy to do so once I'm back, and backdate them if necessary. :-)

Anyway, this is me signing off for the next week and going off to pack! :-D

Anna xxx