February 9th, 2014


cue angelic chorus

Hi, I'm Chloe! I was relentlessly enabled by Haunt (forever) and now I'm finally here. I'm looking forward to playing with all of you!

I bring with me one angelic bodyguard: this is Cassiel, a legendary figure from the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey (which is really good if you like hot people, alternate history, and so much sex). His main hobbies are being socially awkward and following around the grandson of God like a duckling, but he's a nice guy if you can dig down past the minutes-long silences and complete incomprehension of technology.

His angelic powers aren't too flashy- he doesn't require food or sleep, he heals fast, and can teleport (though don't ask him to go anywhere restricted!). The one that might affect other people is that he can sense other supernatural beings. How much he can figure out about their nature is probably up to you, but he's familiar with angels and demons at least. He also makes with the stabbing extremely well, but he doesn't get aggressive unless his charge is threatened.

If you want to get in contact with me, the easiest way to do it is probably through plurk- just track me down at swevene!

it's like magic!

Greetings fellow underwater prisoners! Katie here, bringing in Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Former demon, current contributor to society until somebody decided to wrongfully imprison her, hmph.

I am also, sadly, dropping Korra ([info]deal_with_it), as you know her. She will (hopefully, knock on wood, don't count chickens before the app is even finished) return next app cycle after Polychromatic has closed, with her memories of that game, but for now, she is off in the void.

Please accept this former demon as apology and treat her kindly!
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I am DeadTea, and this is Haunt's fault.

I bring Nico di Angelo, the demigod son of Hades (from the Percy Jackson series). He's kind of prickly and does not like to share much about himself, but he's a decent guy, despite spending most of his time with corpses and ghosts. He has dominion over the dead - which has earned him the title "Ghost King" - but it is pretty much useless in this setting. His only experience is with ghosts and corpses, not any other form of undead.

He can travel through shadows and use them to conceal himself. And he's handy with a sword. When he wasn't running away from it, he comes from a camp full of other demigods, and gets in tussles with monsters, giants, titans, and gods on a pretty regular basis. Not much surprises him.

Email or dropping a comment on Nico's journal is probably the easiest and most reliable way of contacting me.



Double Drop

Hey everyone.

I've got some sad news to deliver. Both Sari (Zero-mun) and I are going to be stepping down from Marina. We love the game and players. Marina has been our home for a long time, even when we've stepped back for a bit in the past. But I think it's come to that point where we're both burned out. I can follow up with threads that still require me though, until they are completed.

Marina you're a beautiful, wonderful game, with excellent mods and a wonderful player base. We love everyone, so stay awesome!

Peace out <3

- Kitten and Sari

+1 Sexy hippy Jesus

Hi guys, I'm Ferus. I was enabled at the last possible minute by Chloe with this guy. He's Elua from the Kushiel books by Jacqueline Carey, which are very lovely if you love classy prostitutes, beautiful people, purple prose, and lots of sexy sex. He's a half-deity bastard son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene who spends most of his time wandering around the countryside with his troupe of angels and boinking anything that would like to be boinked.

I'm looking forward to playing here, I was out of games entirely for a little while, but I'm happy to try getting my feet wet again. Elua here is a pretty friendly guy, so he'll be more than happy to meet everyone that comes his way.

Oh! Edited to mention that I'm available for plotting on plurk at MammaFerus, just make sure you send me a PP or something so I know who you are, otherwise I'll probably end up ignoring it, and I'd hate for that to happen.




We've been reviewing the apps and will comment to each apper shortly! Once you've been accepted, our current players will post here to introduce their new characters! Tell us:
• Who you are

• Who you play and who you apped

• Maybe a little of what they're like

• How we can contact you

• Anything else you think is important!

Then other people will comment to be enthusiastic. ♥ New players can also post here if they're more comfortable with it. Everyone will be let into the IC community Monday after the daypost.




Hello, I'm Sheena and this is Curt Wild, who is from a weird and sparkly movie called Velvet Goldmine, which you should watch if you want to see Ewan McGregor completely naked and covered in glitter. Or if you just really like glam rock and movies that obsessively reference other works.

Curt is pretty much Iggy Pop with a dash of Lou Reed and Mick Ronson in the body of Kurt Cobain (just because). He comes from 1979 and is rumored to have been raised by wolves. He lives for sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll, but don't make the mistake of thinking he's anything less than 100% committed to his music, whatever his antics.

My plurk is squeakygeeky and that's the best way to reach me.





The dayweek has ended! It's time for announcements, memes, plotting, and .gifs! Catch up on game activity in our digests, and use the rest of the post as you see fit!

It is your post to fill up however you please. Tell people it's your birthday. Show pictures of your cat. Post fanart and fanfic for the game. Request AC help. Start some plotting. Brag about a thread. Start memes. Free-for-all!

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