January 13th, 2014


+1 new player, new beard

Hi there Marina! My name is Reg, and I'm new to Marina. This is also my first time back on IJ since it opened, so I'm still getting used to all of it. That said, it's an absolute pleasure to be here and meet you all! You're welcome to add me on plurk here. That said, some of you will know me on Dreamwidth or from other games; you know who you are!

I've brought you William T. Riker, first officer of the Enterprise and man of the ultimate TV beard. Riker will probably be warm and friendly with everyone he meets, but no promises. Keep your paws off his wife, etc. Honestly, he's just a decent sort of guy. No permissions posts from me, but as he IS a brand new character for me, here's a link to his hmd. If you have anything you want to say about my portrayal of him, please don't hesitate to throw a comment up on there, I'd really appreciate it.

Looking forward to playing here, but that's a given~

+1 Engineer

HEY GUYS it's Knight, I dropped Kurt last month and decided to swap him out for Reginald Barclay of Star Trek fame. He's from Voyager season 7, Inside Man after the episode, which means he's followed his counselor on her vacation and gone through his ex working for the Ferengi. Really only one of these is important here considering who all else is here please don't kill him Riker.

For those that aren't familiar with Reg, he's pretty much a normal man among all of the larger than life folks on board the Enterprise when we first meet him. He's nervous, unsure, has a lot of issues...and over all means well even if he does it weirdly (this may or may not include naming his cat after someone from Voyager and crying over that ship being lost even though he knows like no one on board it....).

If you need to get a hold of me Plurk is probably your best bet which is here. I'll throw his intro up when my head stops trying to murder me.



+1 crazy person (and a character, too!)

Greetings, Marina! I'm Veda, I'm new to the game if you ignore fourth wall, and intros are awkward! For more awkwardness, you're completely welcome to poke me on plurk or leave me a message at this OOC/HMD post over here. I know some of you from over on Dreamwidth, so maybe we're not complete strangers?

I'm coming in with a one-shot character from "Criminal Minds" named Nathan Harris. He's fifteen and has uncontrollable thoughts that involve gutting prostitutes, so... uh. There's that. Murderous impulses aside, he's a quiet kid who doesn't have many friends and likes researching serial killers in an attempt to understand what's going on in his brain. If you happen to play a prostitute or a killer, let me know! We can do a thing!

It's great to be here and I'm looking forward to playing with you lovely folks and abusing exclamation points!




We've been reviewing our guidelines for AU character apps and decided to make a change: starting next app period, you'll be able to app characters with previous game memories. This means that if you played a character in another game, you can bring them into MarinaNova and they will still retain their memories from that game. This is the full addition to the AU app page:

Alternate universe characters are an adaptation on a canon character. Any what-if situation can become an alternate universe: What if Bruce Wayne's parents hadn't died? What if Princess Leia actually had fallen in love with Luke instead of Han? What if Cloud Strife had lived on Earth in modern times — or the X-Men universe?

This also applies to characters with previous game memories, as long as they are significantly changed from canon history. For example, a character who spent several months in a game and underwent development because of it would be eligible whereas a character who only spent a few weeks or didn't change significantly from their canon counterpart would not. Changes in powers or augmentations to their bodies that may have occurred in other games will be considered on a case by case basis and are subject to the same neutering as canon characters.

Remember, if you do keep previous game memories you will be entering as an AU character and the canon character slot will remain open, so you may get company. This is why it's important for the two to be distinct from one another. If you are unsure if your character qualifies, feel free to contact a mod.

Feel free to ask questions on this post if you have them! Also, you are more than welcome to spread this post to friends in other games, should they be interested in apping.
