March 18th, 2013





Another week comes to an end!

This is a weekly wrap-up post where you're welcome to talk about what happened in the game over the last week, gush about new shiny CR, plot for the week to come, check in on smaller mod announcements and play around with the IC Question of the Week!

You're also welcome to post your own mini-memes, random questions or completely unrelated topics of conversation if you wish!

Links you may find helpful:
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Hi Marina.

I come to you with some sad news tonight. I've been struggling with Ferris here for a while, in terms of motivation and having the energy to really get him out there like I should. I've been hoping and hoping that it'll get better, because his voice is still very much there, but without the drive to actually write that voice, that doesn't do me much good.

So, I'm unfortunately going to be letting him go. If things change and I feel inspired for him again - or my life magically lightens up at some point - I may very well end up reapping him in the future. For now, though, this righteous dude is out of here.

(Though I, of course, am still here with Data, and that is very unlikely to change.)
