October 30th, 2012



just a rename update

I renamed Rebekah's account from neverhadtime to sisterly.

Just mentioning that here, to avoid any confusion.




Given my activity lately I don't think this comes as much of a surprise, but I wanted to at least let you know that I will be dropping Ritsuka. I've had a wonderful time playing him and felt very welcomed at Marina, but with RL eating up a lot of time between health problems and work, I just don't think I can manage a game right now.

I'll miss you all!



Even the sun sets in paradise.

This post isn't about how many things in my life no longer allows me to keep up with games.

This is about the beautiful people I've met, the friends I've made, the many things I've learned, the lovely yarns spun as we all played make-believe. This is about how thankful I am to have been part of Marina for two-odd years, and how it has become an irreplaceable part of my life.

I'll still (slowly) backtag as needed, but I am now taking my final bow from Marina, and coming along with me are Sasha (this journal) and Kohran ([info]koubu_mama).

Thank you all for the memories.

~ AC