August 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Posting on Seki's behalf! They're going to need a little hiatus, I'm not sure how long it will last atm.

They play Terezi Pyrope ([info]canekind)

And I'll be posting their AC too, once I get that in order...



August CR/Plotting

Welcome to the August CR/PLOTTING post!

This will happen every month around the first of the month (AC time). On months with an HMD (like next month) it will be combined with that.

Copy the form below, fill in your info to whatever degree you find useful, and comment with it. (Yes, you can drop and add sections at will. You have the power!) You can post your characters together in one comment or one for each. Next, go bananas all over each other with plotting and CR mania! Shake vigorously. Serve chilled.