10th Jan, 2010


FIC: Fleur-de-Lis (Lucius/Harry ~ NC-17)

Title: Fleur-de-Lis
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: D/s, hair kink
Other Warnings: None
Word Count: ~4,000
Betas: [info]florida_minxie, [livejournal.com profile] the_flic, and [info]r_grayjoy.
Summary/Description: When he'd left the Manor five years earlier, Harry hadn't planned to return. He'd only dreamt of it.
Author's Notes: Written to a prompt left by [info]leni_jess in [info]daily_deviant's Kinky Kristmas.

Click to read Fleur-de-Lis on my IJ

6th Apr, 2009


Fic: The Sultan's Slave - Harry/Draco, NC-17 (1/14)

Title: The Sultan’s Slave (1/14)
Author: [info]elfflame
Pairing: Harry/Draco (and many others)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slavery, D/s, slash, inequality of sexes (will warn for more as it comes up)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and related characters are not mine. I make no money from this, this is just for fun.
Betas: [info]ceria, [info]wolfish_cat, [info]kabal42
Dedication: To Sebastian, for all the encouragement and inspiration. Without you, this would never have come into being. <3
A/N: This world is circa 1700s or 1800s, so definitely not the world of equality for all. Slavery, women as concubines rather than companions, war, famine, injustice... I'm sure there will be a bit of something to offend everyone here, but I hope you will allow yourself to suspend judgment and read anyway. There is a combination of fantasy and more realistic elements in the story, but no magic. I will do my best to post these at regular intervals, though I have a tendency to get side-tracked now and again, so do bear with me.

4th Apr, 2009


Fic: Fifty Years - Harry/Draco, PG13

Title: Fifty Years
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Summary: Time changes so much…
Warnings: Some slight implication of MPreg, which can be easily ignored, lapse of time.
Word Count: 1453
Author's notes: A little bit I wrote for [info]kabal42 when he was in France last week. Based on our boys. Mostly just fluff. Thank you to Kit for glancing this over for me.

Time does not change us. It just unfolds us. – Max Frisch )

23rd Jul, 2008


FIC: Tricksy, Tricksy Malfoys: Lucius/Severus, Lucius/Harry, NC-17

Title:Tricksy, Tricksy Malfoys
Author/Artist:Melfina the Blue
Characters:Harry, Hermione, Ron, Severus, Lucius, Draco
Warnings: AU, teacher-student sex, spanking, bondage,
Word count:5000ish
Compliant to: Goblet of Fire and most of Order of the Phoenix
Notes:All participants are 16 or over. The class is so not my idea. Thank you zephre! Also many thanks to eeyore for getting me out of a plot hole and softly_sweetly for giving me the idea in the first place. This fic was written for the hp_rarites fest over on LJ.
Summary:When Lucius becomes a professor at Hogwarts, Harry's determined to find out his evil plan.
Follow the fake cut to fic

8th Apr, 2008


Fic- Grief Does Strange Things to a Man

Title:Grief Does Strange Things to a Man
Characters:Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Tom the barman, Petunia Dursley
Warnings: Het, slash, possible mpreg, shower sex
Word count:2820
Compliant to:DH
Notes:I know, you're seeing that Lucius/Petunia and running in fear. But you shouldn't. I promise, there's not much, and you get an H/D shower scene to make up for it. Plus, don't you want to know how that pairing could ever occur?
Summary:Tom the barman knows all the gossip. Including the strange story of how Lucius Malfoy ended up kissing a Muggle and how Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter ended up a couple.
Portkey to the fic

7th Nov, 2007


Art post/Drawble, Lucius/Harry, NWS

Title: In which Lucius Rescues Scarlet from fluff.
Author/Artist: [info]ships_harry
Characters: Lucius/Harry
Rating: PG-M, NWS
Warnings: Implied non-or-dub-con, possibly.
Compliant to: N/A
Archive: I'd rather not.
Notes: This is a drawble, so it's very rough! More talking on my journal :)
Summary: Lucius likes it when Harry doesn't.

(To my journal ☺)

1st Oct, 2007


Fic: Marking Time - HP/DM - R

Title: Marking Time
Author: [info]elfflame
Rating: R
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Sometimes something is worth waiting for. But Draco’s never been good at waiting.
Warning: angst, epilogue kids
Word Count: 4625
A/N: This was the quick little fic idea that decided to turn into an epic. But I suppose that’s what I get for trying to cover the time between the end of the battle and the scene in the epilogue… The style's a bit unusual, because I wanted to try something different.  I hope it doesn't throw people off too much.  Basically, anything that isn't in italics is dialogue.  Lots of help with this, both readers and Betas, so huge thanks to [info]wolfish_cat for encouraging me, and [info]kabal42 and [info]ceria for looking this over. Love you all. :D

When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability... To be alive is to be vulnerable. – Madeleine L’Engle )

30th Sep, 2007


Fic: Twining the Thread of Fate (NM, HP, G)

Title: Twining the Thread of Fate
Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Harry Potter
Word count: ~1600
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: Beta by [info]ldybastet.
Summary: For a few seconds, Narcissa Malfoy holds the destiny of her family and of the wizarding world in her hand. She must choose: is she willing to die for whom she loves most, or will she continue to be the Dark Lord's slave together with her emasculated husband...

Twining the Thread of Fate )

17th Aug, 2007


The Good

The "good"
Although my overall favorite piece whould have to be my "Ties That Bind" multi-chapter fic (my longest written piece ever ... and first piece ever), the story below "Babyville" I think is my best one shot.  It really goes deep into the heart of a couple in love struggling with demands of daily life and with relationship problems.  It's also the piece that I reveal the most of myself.

Title: Babyville
Author: Dracoluvah 
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance and hurt/comfort
Warnings: Previous MPreg is a theme (does not actually occur during the story)

A/N: Thanks to my beta Mistress Gwen! Also, MPreg is typically a squick of mine, so I wanted to write a story about issues couples may face and how they choose to deal with it.  So, since no one if officially preg in this, I hope you can give it a chance.

Disclaimer: Harry, Draco, Hermione and pretty much anything else recognizable belongs to J.K. Rowling.



The Bad

The bad ...
From my early days of fanfic ... almost a whole year ago ;-)
As part of the then hd_boardgame, both of these "tie" as the bad.
The first is an angst drabble ... looking back why would Draco have looked at Harry in disgust?  Snape wouldn't have let Malfoy just walk out.  It's just not a well written drabble, plain and simple.

The Bad #1       

The Bad #2    


Good vs. Bad Challenge

Title: Untitled
Author: </a></a>[info]thepinkrabbit</strong>
Characters: Lucius/Draco
Words: 100
Rating: R (for implied incest and chan)
Warnings: implied incest and chan
Notes: This is maybe not the best of my writing, but I really like the mood of it :)
Summary: One night at the Manor...

Title: Caught by the Lake
Author: </a></a>[info]thepinkrabbit</strong>
Characters: Draco/Harry
Words: 1806
Rating: R-ish
Warnings: adult language, non-con, violence
Notes: This was my very first attempt to write any slash whatsoever :O Poor Draco...
Summary: Draco catches Harry spying on him at the lake...


Good versus Bad Challenge


Title: Thank You, Father
Author: [info]lordhellebore
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Draco is thankful that is father teaches him the most important rule a Malfoy has to follow: not to be weak.
Notes: This ficlet is from two years ago, and yes, I was a member of the "Lucius is an abusive father" crowd. *sigh* Cliché ahead.

The Bad )



Title: Saving Angel
Author: [info]lordhellebore
Rating: R
Genre: Romance, Tragedy
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Warnings: Violence, insanity
Summary: Every day, Draco had been waiting for his angel to come and save him, but he had been let down. Now he has to make his angel understand, even if that means to hurt him...
Notes: It still has the cliché, but I like this one much better than the first - it has more atmosphere, methinkst.

The Good )


Good versus Bad Challenge

The Bad
TITLE: Vengeance and Pacifiers
PAIRING: Harry/Lucius
GENRE: humour/romance/parody
SUMMARY: Of all the possible reasons Harry could have to want Voldemort out of the way...
The Bad )

Teh Good (or so I hope...)
TITLE: Night Over Azkaban
PAIRING: Harry/Lucius
RATING: NC-17 (went AU after GOF, underage-ness)
GENRE: um, PWP with plot
SUMMARY: Caught together in a deadly trap, two mortal enemies come up with an unusual way of dealing with Dementors...
The Good )

Of course the embarrassing thing is that The Good was written way earlier than Teh Bad… so much for improvement…

15th Aug, 2007


Good vs Bad Challenge

Title: Get on with it. (because I can't remember the original title)
Author/Artist: [info]cnary_crem_dght
Characters: Severus/Lucius
Rating: NC-17 (this be porn and NWS)
Warnings: none
Compliant to: N/A
Summary: The Good....
Notes: This is my good piece. I'm rather proud of it, not perhaps because it's the most stunning piece I've ever done, but one of my most experimental. I really am attached to the style and the fact that every layer was done on tracing paper with an inking pen OR sharpie marker. The skin tone was done with a neon orange sharpie and the pink area's with a neon pink one. In RL it's more impressive, but I think it translates well here too. I also just love how hesitant Severus is and how arrogant Lucius looks. ;D It's like he's saying "Well? Get on with it."

The Good.... )

Title: School Boy Charms
Author/Artist: [info]cnary_crem_dght
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17 (this be porn and NWS)
Warnings: breathplay
Compliant to: N/A
Summary: The Bad...
Notes: This is probably not my worst executed picture, but it always makes me cringe when I look at it. It's just so flawed in my mind that all the redeeming qualities are shoved to the back of my mind. I really really dislike the pose and especially Draco in this. T_T I should mention the picture is from about a year ago, a little more... and that's kind of embarrassing. lol

The Bad...  )

fortunately Snape has decided to bring the ugly ;D <3 <3 <3

January 2016



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