3rd Dec, 2007


[modly] A December Challenge: Spread the holiday cheer!

Inspired by [info]scribbulus_ink who's collecting rec links over at [info]lupin_snape I got an idea: it is the month of Christmas fests with lots of wonderful fics all over the place. Christmas is also the time to make other people happy (even though it can be done all year, or so I hear), so let's try a small challenge to add to the Holiday cheer (and support the many talented artists and authors who have done a lot of work to please others):

Rec (or link to recs) the best new Malfoy-related fics and artses you find in a post here - also if the art/fic has been recced before (3 non f-locked different recs = hot rec on [info]daily_snitch). That way we can create a nice holiday reading list for those who might not have the time to read everything in every fest on the interwebs. Rec from all over the net, but only things posted in December, please.

A nice header for your convenience (not optional, just a suggestion, permalink to post in sidebar):

Please, tag with 'type: rec'.