3rd Dec, 2007


[modly] A December Challenge: Spread the holiday cheer!

Inspired by [info]scribbulus_ink who's collecting rec links over at [info]lupin_snape I got an idea: it is the month of Christmas fests with lots of wonderful fics all over the place. Christmas is also the time to make other people happy (even though it can be done all year, or so I hear), so let's try a small challenge to add to the Holiday cheer (and support the many talented artists and authors who have done a lot of work to please others):

Rec (or link to recs) the best new Malfoy-related fics and artses you find in a post here - also if the art/fic has been recced before (3 non f-locked different recs = hot rec on [info]daily_snitch). That way we can create a nice holiday reading list for those who might not have the time to read everything in every fest on the interwebs. Rec from all over the net, but only things posted in December, please.

A nice header for your convenience (not optional, just a suggestion, permalink to post in sidebar):

Please, tag with 'type: rec'.

28th Aug, 2007


Headers for your convenience - fic and art

Headers for your convenience - fic and art )

9th Nov, 2007


Bunnies for the Malfoys

In this thread you can post your Malfoycentric wishes/challenges/stray peacocks bunnies. It might help the artists and authors to get some inspiration and catch straying muses. There is no guarantee, of course, that someone picks your poor parent-less bunny, but it is worth a try.

There will be a permanent link to this post from the sidebar.

15th Sep, 2007


A Modly Reminder...

Today is the last chance to post to the Good and Bad Challenge. Share your best and worst Malfoy-centric fics or art with us, preferably with comments to why you chose exactly these two pieces. We'll have a masterlist up in a few days.

Also, please remember to tag your posts - and you'll make us happy mods if you go back and add tags to your earlier posts.
Tagging is a bit extensive, but it will be much easier to find things for our watchers if we do it like this.

'author: name' (or artist, of course...)
'pairing: xx/xx', (the Malfoy is always mentioned first, and if two Malfoys, the older),
'character: first name' (the main characters only)
'rating: xx' (G-NC-17)
'type: fic' (art, meta, icon...)
'challenge: xx' (if there is one)
'het' or 'slash' for those amongst us who prefer one thing. or the other.

Please, check your posts when you have pressed send. There are several posts with coding errors in them, and in the future we will delete these if the coding is not corrected within a few days. This goes for excess line breaks in headers as well. It takes up space on people's f-lists, so please be considerate and make certain headers and content are posted without odd fonts and breaks all over the place.