10th Jan, 2010


FIC: Fleur-de-Lis (Lucius/Harry ~ NC-17)

Title: Fleur-de-Lis
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: D/s, hair kink
Other Warnings: None
Word Count: ~4,000
Betas: [info]florida_minxie, [livejournal.com profile] the_flic, and [info]r_grayjoy.
Summary/Description: When he'd left the Manor five years earlier, Harry hadn't planned to return. He'd only dreamt of it.
Author's Notes: Written to a prompt left by [info]leni_jess in [info]daily_deviant's Kinky Kristmas.

Click to read Fleur-de-Lis on my IJ

26th Feb, 2009


FIC: Valentinus Is a Bastard pt 1

Title: Valentinus Is a Bastard part 1: The First Time Is Always the Sweetest
Author: [info]luciusmistress
Characters: Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: noncon, chan, bloodblay, violence
Word count: ~4400
Compliant to: beginning of PS, more or less
Notes: A little late to be a  Valentine's Day present, but still dedicated to all those who, like me, can't stand all that pink and fluffy Valentine's Day stuff. A big thank you to Supersonic Bitch for the beta and the title!
Summary: On February 14 1991, Lucius paid a visit to Privet Drive... yes, Harry is ten. It's quite nasty. Please pay attention to the warnings!

23rd Jul, 2008


FIC: Tricksy, Tricksy Malfoys: Lucius/Severus, Lucius/Harry, NC-17

Title:Tricksy, Tricksy Malfoys
Author/Artist:Melfina the Blue
Characters:Harry, Hermione, Ron, Severus, Lucius, Draco
Warnings: AU, teacher-student sex, spanking, bondage,
Word count:5000ish
Compliant to: Goblet of Fire and most of Order of the Phoenix
Notes:All participants are 16 or over. The class is so not my idea. Thank you zephre! Also many thanks to eeyore for getting me out of a plot hole and softly_sweetly for giving me the idea in the first place. This fic was written for the hp_rarites fest over on LJ.
Summary:When Lucius becomes a professor at Hogwarts, Harry's determined to find out his evil plan.
Follow the fake cut to fic

7th Nov, 2007


Art post/Drawble, Lucius/Harry, NWS

Title: In which Lucius Rescues Scarlet from fluff.
Author/Artist: [info]ships_harry
Characters: Lucius/Harry
Rating: PG-M, NWS
Warnings: Implied non-or-dub-con, possibly.
Compliant to: N/A
Archive: I'd rather not.
Notes: This is a drawble, so it's very rough! More talking on my journal :)
Summary: Lucius likes it when Harry doesn't.

(To my journal ☺)

17th Aug, 2007


Good versus Bad Challenge

The Bad
TITLE: Vengeance and Pacifiers
PAIRING: Harry/Lucius
GENRE: humour/romance/parody
SUMMARY: Of all the possible reasons Harry could have to want Voldemort out of the way...
The Bad )

Teh Good (or so I hope...)
TITLE: Night Over Azkaban
PAIRING: Harry/Lucius
RATING: NC-17 (went AU after GOF, underage-ness)
GENRE: um, PWP with plot
SUMMARY: Caught together in a deadly trap, two mortal enemies come up with an unusual way of dealing with Dementors...
The Good )

Of course the embarrassing thing is that The Good was written way earlier than Teh Bad… so much for improvement…

January 2016



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