1st Oct, 2007


FIC: Thestrals at Dawn (Blaise/Lucius, NC-17)

Title: Thestrals at Dawn
Author: Hijja
Pairing: Blaise/Lucius
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): non-con/coercion, underage/chan (Blaise is 15)
Compliant to: HBP (but set in the summer after GoF)
Archive: whoever feels like it (though I'd love to be told)
Author's Note: Hugs and thanks for the beta to [info]bellonablack and to another generous soul who asked to remain anonymous in the current witchhunt climate. *snuggles*
Summary: "Are you able to see the Thestrals, Mr Zabini? They have their very own austere beauty."

Thestrals at Dawn - please mind RATING and WARNINGS, dears! )

15th Sep, 2007


The Good vs Bad Challenge: Scream for Me (LM/JFF) and Fine (LM/NM)

The Bad...
Title: Scream for Me
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violence, character death, non-con, psycho!Lucius, blood. Dark.
Pairings: Lucius/Justin Finch-Fletchley, Draco/Blaise, Justin/Draco, Lucius/Blaise.
Summary: Lucius never liked it when the other children played with his toys. Now Draco has taken his favourite toy and broken it. It has consequences for all involved. And some things never mend...
Notes: What you don't do for your flist... I hate Psycho!Lucius. But Elf wanted him... and what Elf wants, she gets. However, I am not going to write Lucius that way again, not ever! I would originally have posted a very long Mary Sue fic, but chose this instead, because I actually like the MS plot a lot and I cannot say how much I detest the Psycho!Lucius in this. This is OOC if there ever was OOC. Also, it is rather clear my command of the English language has improved a bit since. Gods, it stinks!

Scream for Me )

The Good...
Title: Fine.
Characters: Narcissa/Lucius
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A bit of blood and angst.
Summary: Narcissa waits for Lucius to come home from a raid.
Notes: [info]buttfacemakani makes wonderful Malfoy-art. But this was truly heartbreaking, and bunnied me into writing this short ficlet. I regard this my best fic, since I still, two years after I wrote it, like it a lot. I like the flow of it, I like the Death Eater wife's POV, and I like the implications.

Fine )