15th Sep, 2007


The Good vs Bad Challenge: Scream for Me (LM/JFF) and Fine (LM/NM)

The Bad...
Title: Scream for Me
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violence, character death, non-con, psycho!Lucius, blood. Dark.
Pairings: Lucius/Justin Finch-Fletchley, Draco/Blaise, Justin/Draco, Lucius/Blaise.
Summary: Lucius never liked it when the other children played with his toys. Now Draco has taken his favourite toy and broken it. It has consequences for all involved. And some things never mend...
Notes: What you don't do for your flist... I hate Psycho!Lucius. But Elf wanted him... and what Elf wants, she gets. However, I am not going to write Lucius that way again, not ever! I would originally have posted a very long Mary Sue fic, but chose this instead, because I actually like the MS plot a lot and I cannot say how much I detest the Psycho!Lucius in this. This is OOC if there ever was OOC. Also, it is rather clear my command of the English language has improved a bit since. Gods, it stinks!

Scream for Me )

The Good...
Title: Fine.
Characters: Narcissa/Lucius
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A bit of blood and angst.
Summary: Narcissa waits for Lucius to come home from a raid.
Notes: [info]buttfacemakani makes wonderful Malfoy-art. But this was truly heartbreaking, and bunnied me into writing this short ficlet. I regard this my best fic, since I still, two years after I wrote it, like it a lot. I like the flow of it, I like the Death Eater wife's POV, and I like the implications.

Fine )

6th Sep, 2007


Best and Worst...

So, I've thought about this a lot, not really sure what to post. And then [info]ldybastet simply pointed out that I could post 'whatever you feel is suitable'. Now, being an inherently obsessively self-critical creature, my reaction was :P because that didn't help me. On the other hand, it's not her responsibility to decide what I think of my fics, so she was right. As usual she's my voice of reason and intellligence.

So here goes. Like I said, I wasn't sure (and I really don't have much to choose from when it comes down to it), so I chose the first fic I wrote in the HP fandom. It's a collaborative effort, with me writing the Lucius parts. It's also unfinished, although the first part that I'm posting here, could be seen as stand-alone. I had a lot of fun writing it, and do think it has good sides, but reading it today makes me curl my toes and cringe a little.

The Worst fic

Title: Fetching Remus
Author(s): [info]imma and [info]desdmona
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Remus Lupin
Rating: Adult/Hot/NC-17
Warnings: Drinking
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JKR and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Lucius Malfoy is sent to fetch Remus Lupin back to Hogwarts. That doesn't go exactly as planned.
A/N: This is an unfinished multi-chapter fic, but this chapter can stand alone. No other parts have actually been betaed nor posted. It was written in 2003.

( Fetching Remus (1/2) ) At the end of the first part of the chapter, there's a link to the next if you get that far.

It was even harder to decide on the best fic, but I eventually went with my gut feeling and the fic that makes me smile the most when I read it.

The Best fic

Title: A Rose by Another Name
Author: [info]imma
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape
Rating: Tame/PG to PG-13
Warnings: AU, altered backstory, teenagers in love.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JKR and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: The struggle to find and keep true love against all odds. (Romeo and Juliet - revisited)
A/N: This fic was written for the Romance Fest April 2007 in severus_lucius on that other journal site. I chose the 'Romeo and Juliet' challenge and adapted both Severus and Lucius' backstories to fit the premise given in Shakespeare's original better, although the alterations were as small as possible.

( A Rose by Another Name - chapters 1-4 ) At the end of this part, there's a link to chapters 5-11 if you're so inclined.

17th Aug, 2007


The Good

The "good"
Although my overall favorite piece whould have to be my "Ties That Bind" multi-chapter fic (my longest written piece ever ... and first piece ever), the story below "Babyville" I think is my best one shot.  It really goes deep into the heart of a couple in love struggling with demands of daily life and with relationship problems.  It's also the piece that I reveal the most of myself.

Title: Babyville
Author: Dracoluvah 
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance and hurt/comfort
Warnings: Previous MPreg is a theme (does not actually occur during the story)

A/N: Thanks to my beta Mistress Gwen! Also, MPreg is typically a squick of mine, so I wanted to write a story about issues couples may face and how they choose to deal with it.  So, since no one if officially preg in this, I hope you can give it a chance.

Disclaimer: Harry, Draco, Hermione and pretty much anything else recognizable belongs to J.K. Rowling.



Good vs. Bad Challenge

Title: A Hairy Tale
Author: [info]elfflame
Character: Draco (gen)
Rating: G?
A/N: A little fic that just came to me while watching a certain scene in Howl's Moving Castle. The second I saw the scene, I knew I had to write it. Not a cross-over at all, so no need to have seen the movie.
I chose this one because, while it’s not bad, per se, it’s not good, either. It falls short of being funny, or being even interesting, really. The image I had in my head just didn’t seem to transfer, no matter what I tried, so I gave up. It probably needed a deeper exploration than I was willing to give it, I suppose. But trust me, it was funny in my head…

The Bad )

Title: Precious Silver
Author: [info]elfflame
Pairing: Severus/OMC (sort of), LM/SS and SS/DM implied
Rating: R
Warning: Implication of incest, dub con, adult/child and adult/teen sex
A/N: This is actually part of a series I wrote, though this is complete in itself. The first Severus/Draco I ever wrote. It’s near and dear to my heart, even in all it’s complexities.
I do feel the need to explain my Lucius, here. I love Lucius. And he was just about the second character to take up residence in my head after Draco. That said, I don’t see him as a nice person. I see him as an amoral person who has three concerns: himself, his family, and the pureblood community. In that order, generally.
In this fic, I have him doing some pretty creepy things. But keep in mind, this is a Lucius who has been affected by his time in Azkaban. Granted, part of his creepiness comes in before he’s ever sent to Azkaban, but I see that as his way of protecting his son from his needs. I don’t want to say more here, or it will give away too much of the plot, but I hope you will keep that in mind when reading the story.

The Good )


Good vs. Bad Challenge

Title: Untitled
Author: </a></a>[info]thepinkrabbit</strong>
Characters: Lucius/Draco
Words: 100
Rating: R (for implied incest and chan)
Warnings: implied incest and chan
Notes: This is maybe not the best of my writing, but I really like the mood of it :)
Summary: One night at the Manor...

Title: Caught by the Lake
Author: </a></a>[info]thepinkrabbit</strong>
Characters: Draco/Harry
Words: 1806
Rating: R-ish
Warnings: adult language, non-con, violence
Notes: This was my very first attempt to write any slash whatsoever :O Poor Draco...
Summary: Draco catches Harry spying on him at the lake...