The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

December 18th, 2013

Multimedia: Snupin Icons, by p_for_polkdots

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Title: Snupin Icons

From: p_for_polkdots

Summary: Snupin icons and banners with non-movie images.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Prompt: DDO#82 - Icon set - Other images, ideas, quotes, that make you think of Snape/Lupin

Note from Snupin Santa
Santa hopes you will all use some of these great new icons from Polka in making comments on the remaining fest pieces. It looks like we might just get past Christmas and into the last week of the month! Please reward the hard-working creative elves who are helping to make your season bright by commenting and even reccing your favourite pieces.

Remember, you can comment on the Snupin Santa site, or you can leave a comment on these announcement posts. Anonymous comments are welcome on the announcement posts as well.

Creative elves, remember to use the thumbtack symbol to track comments on these announcement posts. It's toward the top of the page with the other comment symbols.

Snupin Santa

December 17th, 2013

Fiction: Fairy Lights and Port, by Nimrod_9

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Title: Fairy Lights and Port

From: Nimrod_9

Summary: As the prompt says...after drinking too much wine.

Rating: Gingersnaps (PG13)

HP Era: 1998-onward: After the Second War

Genre: Romance

Word count: 276

Author Note: Many thanks to k for the beta

Prompt: DDO#58 - After drinking too much wine.... from Karasu_hime

December 16th, 2013

Fiction: Hunter's Yule, by Bonfoi

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Title: Hunter's Yule

From: Bonfoi

Summary: Master and slave, dark and darker, they complement each other and give each other the gift of the hunt this Yuletide.

Rating: Holiday Spice (R)

Genre: Alternate Reality, Romance, D/s elements

Word count: 365

Notes: Many thanks to the elf that created the prompt I chose. It was wide open and I had so many ideas, but then this one image stuck in my head and finally, finally, the ficlet let itself be written for this year's Snupin Santa fest. A sleigh full of joy to Snupin Santa and the elves for hosting and posting—far too much fun! And, last, but certainly not least, to my lovely beta, Badgerlady, who so kindly lent me critical eyes.

Prompt: DDO#12 - Full moon on Christmas Eve/Winter Solstice

December 15th, 2013

Fiction: Remember the Time, by LordHellebore

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Title: Remember the Time

From: LordHellebore

Summary: Severus wants Remus to have somebody once he's gone.

Rating: Gingersnaps (PG13)

HP Era: 1991-1998: Hogwarts Era

Genre: Drama/Angst

Other Pairings: Implied Remus/Tonks

Word count: 2982

Prompt: DDO#4 - Someone overhears something they shouldn't. Did they hear it right? From Shadowycat.

December 14th, 2013

Art: I Am Yours to Save, Now Hurry Up!, by Knowmefirst

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Title: I Am Yours to Save, Now Hurry Up!

From: Knowmefirst

Summary: Severus waits like any damsel in distress for his prince charming to come and rescue him, but sometimes prince charming sure take his time.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Genres: Alternate Universe, Humor

Artist Note: Prompter, hope you like it :D I had so much fun!

Prompt: Art #3 - Draw fairytale Snupin: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Rapunzel, or any tale of your choice, from Shadowycat

December 13th, 2013

Fiction: Just A Fling, by Azurerosa

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Title: Just A Fling

From: Azurerosa

Summary: Remus has everything figured out, doesn't he?

Rating: Holiday Spice (R)

HP Era: 1998-onward: After the Second War

Word count: 256

Author Note: Season's Greetings all! :D

Prompt: DDO#39 - Just a Fling

Rec Request Reminder Post

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Hello fellow Snupin Lovers,

This is a reminder that we're collecting recs for Snupin Santa art and fics. If a piece gets three recs, it'll be eligible to be listed in the Daily Snitch. So if you've recommended anything from the Fest or you know someone who has, tell me about it by leaving a comment on the original recs post "Here". That's all there is to it.

Let's get out there and celebrate Snupin this holiday season! Thanks!:D

December 12th, 2013

Fiction: Hidden Motives, by Kainoliero

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Title: Hidden Motives

From: Kainoliero

Summary: Remus finds himself saved by what seems like a pure coincidence - on the downside he's stuck with Severus. The full moon is but moments away.

Rating: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

HP Era: 1960-1981: Marauders Era

Word count: 1970

Additional Character: Fenris Greyback

Author Notes: I haven't written HP fic for such a long time that it was both exciting to get back to it and frightening because it feels like I've forgotten so much! However, I tried to incorporate Remus' reality during the First War as well as I could: his lycantrophy, Sirius' distrust in him and the situation with the other werewolves. I hope you like it!

Prompt: Story #9 (Partial prompt reporting) - S and L meet somewhere, for some reason, accidentally or on purpose, but S is on DE business, emphasizing the gulf between them; from Islandsmoke.

December 11th, 2013

Art: Naughty, by Zhyn

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Title: Naughty

From: Zhyn

Summary: Remus persuades "Santa" to put him in the nice list.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Warnings: None

Artist Note: Hello, prompter! Happy holidays, and this drawable turned into a more finished piece than my usual because I am chronically unable to follow instructions! Oops! :D

Prompt: DDO#18 - Remus sitting on Santa's Severus' lap, from p_for_polkadots.

December 10th, 2013

Fiction: The Spy's Contact, by Stgulik

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Title: The Spy's Contact

From: Stgulik

Summary: Remus meets Severus for a clandestine information exchange.

Rating: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

HP Era: Set during either the first or second war, your choice.

Word count: 420

Warning: Swearing

Notes: Thanks to Teddyradiator for all the nudges, and thanks to the mods for another great season of Snupin Santa!

Prompt: DDO#41 - The spy's contact, from Azure_rosa

December 9th, 2013

Art: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, by Shadowycat

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Title: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You

From: Shadowycat

Summary: Remus finds it hard to sleep...

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

HP Era: 1981-1991: The Missing Years

Warnings: Nudity or Partial Nudity

Artist Note: Many thanks to Santa and the Elves for keeping this fest going! :D

Prompt: DDO#24 - Remus watches Severus sleep, from Smallbrownfrog.

December 8th, 2013

Fiction: Knight in Sour Armour, by Donna Immaculata

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Title: Knight in Sour Armour

From: Donna Immaculata

Summary: After rescuing him from the Department of Mysteries, Snape brings Lupin home and puts him to bed.

Rating: Holiday Spice (R)

HP Era: 1991-1998: Hogwarts Era

Word count: 1894

Warnings: Monologue fic

Author Notes: This is a writing experiment. The prompt was to tell a story in monologue-only form. It's not as porny as I was hoping for, but anything more, and Snape would have become completely OOC.

Prompt: Story #13 from Islandsmoke

December 7th, 2013

Fiction: A Bit of Christmas Change, by Nimrod_9

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Title: A Bit of Christmas Change

From: Nimrod_9

Summary: Severus hates Christmas

Rating: Gingersnaps (PG13)

HP Era: 1998-onward: After the Second War

Word count: 459

Prompt: DDO #25 - Severus hates Christmas from Smallbrownfrog

Art: Mustache & Tinsel by Karasu_hime

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There will be two posts today to catch up from Friday's snow-out. First, enjoy these drawables! Santa will be back later today.

Title: Mustache & Tinsel

From: Karasu_hime

Mustache: Snape is just better at some things....
Tinsel: Trying to decorate the tree, Remus and Snape have difficulties..

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Mustache: DDO#15 - Only few people can successfully pull off a moustache and Lupin isn't among them. Severus shows him how it's done.
Tinsel: DDO#36 - Red, green, tinsel from Nimrod_9

December 6th, 2013

Snupin Santa Rec Collection!

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Hello there Snupin Lovers,

I've put on my elf hat to help Santa collect recs for all the wonderful Snupin goodies he's pulling out of his bag during this festive season.

So if any of you have loved something you've seen or read enough to rec it on your journal, please leave a comment here on this post so we can count it. If any fest piece, story or art, gets three recs, we can get it listed on the Daily Snitch and spread the Snupin goodies far and wide.

So let's pass around the Snupin love this year! Remember, the recs have to be public for them to count.

I'll be putting up reminder posts every week with links back to this post, so let's spread the word! Thanks! :D

December 5th, 2013

Fiction: A Letter to Santa by Snapealina

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Title: A Letter to Santa

From: Snapealina

Summary: Severus is having a bad day, but Remus won't let him ruin a Christmas tradition.

Rating: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

HP Era: 1998-onward: After the Second War

Word count: 499

Additional Characters: Teddy

Notes: I don't own the characters. Did you seriously think I did? ^_^ I also changed cookies to biscuits since they're British.

Prompt: DDO #28 - A note to Santa, cookies and milk from Nimrod_9

December 4th, 2013

Fiction: My Promising Career in Espionage by Westernredcedar

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Title: My Promising Career in Espionage

From: westernredcedar

Summary: Remus needs the work, and Dumbledore has a new contact for him, a young Death Eater who has just started passing information.

Rating: Coal and Switches (NC17)

HP Era: 1960-1981: Marauders Era

Word count: 5542

Warnings: Past Sirius/Remus

Notes: The title is part of a quote by Q. Thank you to the fabulous A for the beta help!

Prompt: DDO #9: Snape and Lupin attend the symphony from Usernameshlomo

December 3rd, 2013

Fiction: Stargazing by Azurerosa

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Title: Stargazing

From: Azurerosa

Summary: Severus and Remus flirt and banter as they watch the stars in winter.

Rating: On the Nice List (G)

Word count: 126

Notes: Genre: Fluffy! Season's Greetings, all! :D

Warnings: None

Prompt: DDO #38 - Stargazing

December 2nd, 2013

Fiction: Happy Christmas by Islandsmoke

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Title: Happy Christmas

From: Islandsmoke

Summary: It’s Christmas Eve…

Rating: On the Nice List (G)

Word count: 513

Notes: Tonks never happened; Genre: Fluff; Thanks to T for beta help.

Warnings: None

Prompt: DDO #23, picture prompt from p_for_polkadots

December 1st, 2013

Art: Intimacy, by Shadowycat

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Happy Holidays, everyone! A Snupin Santa Holiday Fest informational post will be up in the next day, so please look for it and read when you see it. Thanks! - Santa

Title: Intimacy

From: Shadowycat

Summary: Remus loves to brush Severus's hair after a bath.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Notes: Thanks for keeping this fest going! :D

Prompt: Art #23 from Smallbrownfrog

Ho Ho Ho!
Snupin Santa

November 30th, 2013

Snupin Santa begins in mere hours....

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So, Santa wants to know - do you want a drabble around midnight or a story Sunday afternoon?

Santa has chat open tonight if you want to hang out. Santa also wants to encourage you all to leave comments for the fest pieces, wherever you want to leave them. Let's make sure our creators feel the holiday Snupin love!

November 23rd, 2013

Snupin Santa - It's not too late!

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There's still time to make claims on Snupin Santa prompts! Right now, we probably can post two weeks into December, but we want to make it to Christmas!

If you're quietly working on a prompt and haven't made a claim, that's OK. Santa has been there. But now you know what time frame you're working with - about 3 weeks.

So! Any other takers? Next year is SS's 10th anniversary, but we have to get there with some enthusiasm for it to happen. Santa hopes to hear from you soon!

October 3rd, 2013

Snupin Santa Multimedia Holiday Fest Claiming is OPEN! on LJ

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Santa is going to try not to over-write here, but Santa usually fails. First note: We will continue to add new prompts to this list through November 1. Use the LJ prompt post to add new prompts. We're going to close the other two for our sanity. So, if you're looking to create for the fest and don't see something you like, poke your friends to add more prompts! That said....

Claiming of prompts is open! Here's the rules:

1 claim per prompt in the Story and Art sections unless all prompts are taken.

Multiple claims allowed on most DDO (Drabble/Drawable/Other) prompts - Why? Most can be claimed as both drawable or drabble, but also because most can generate very different responses. A very few are more specific and Santa will strike those out as closed as they are claimed.

1 claim at a time per creator, though - You only get to sign up for one prompt at a time. If you turn your work in early, you can make another single claim, and can repeat this until the deadlines.

• Stories & Art - December 1
• Drabbles/Drawables/Other - November 20
• Beta deadline: November 20 - yes, Santa and the Elves will beta for you if you get your work in early enough.
Santa doesn't want to discourage latecomers if work is completed during the fest posting, however, Santa will not guarantee that any December 2 and later submission will be posted for the fest. If Santa or an elf finds time to upload the work, great. But if you turn in something really complicated to upload after December 1, ow. Naughty list! ~_^

Category Standards:
• Stories should be at least 1500 words.
• Drabbles should be under 500 words.
• Art should be "finished" according to the artist's style.
• Drawables shouldn't take more than 30 minutes.
• Multimedia should be presented as ready for use or formal viewing.

A Note to Creators about prompts:
Because this is not an exchange, creators should feel free to interpret/adapt prompts in whatever manner you decide. Unless they are critical to the spirit of the prompt, requests for specific characters (other than Snape and Lupin), specific kinks, situations, time periods, type of ending, etc., are up to the discretion of the creators. Prompters were told this in the prompt post, so they have been forewarned. If a prompt inspires a creation wholly away from the original prompt, let Santa know and we won't tie your creation to a prompt.

Anonymous claims can be made as long as you include a username of some sort and an email address. We won't accept anonymous claims without a way to identify you.

Submission info follows the PROMPT LIST )

Santa and the Elves will upload all works to the Snupin Santa Holiday Fest Archive.
Posting will begin on December 1 and continue daily until we run out of submissions.
Posting notices will be made on the LJ/IJ/DW Lupin_Snape communities, directing people to the archive.
Reveals happen as we post, including matching prompter name, if any, to the work.
Santa reserves the right to correct any major spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in written work without consulting the creator. If you don't use the Elves for betas, we strongly suggest you have your work beta'ed by someone(s).

Submission Information )

And that's it!

Claiming is open at the LJ post here! (Comments are disabled on IJ and DW.) You may leave anon comments on LJ if you do not have an account there, but please leave your IJ or DW username and a regularly-checked email address.

Check back to this list if you're not immediately inspired - there might be more prompts! Also, spread the word to your friends that we're up and running, please.

If I forgot anything or you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask - others might be wondering the same thing.

Here's to a very happy Snape/Lupin Holiday!
Ho Ho Ho

September 27th, 2013

Still taking prompts for holiday fest!

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Hi, all Snupin lovers!

We are still accepting prompts for this year's Holiday Fest, so head on over to the prompting post on LJ, IJ, or DW to give us a prompt!
Or two! Or five! Or ten! Up to ten in each of three categories -- FIC, ART, DDO.

Prompts are free and can be anon! No obligation to participate nor to respond back at posting time if you don't want to (but we hope that you do!). Pretty please?

Come one, come all. Let's show our Snupin love!

-the elves, on behalf of Santa


September 23rd, 2013

Snupin Santa Holiday Fest! The Prompt Post!

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Santa is very busy and the elves have been downsized and working overtime. Still, Lupin_Snape is holding a Holiday Fest this year instead of an exchange. This means you all will generate prompts and those prompts will be posted anonymously for creators to claim. Creator entries will be due by the end of November and still posted to the community on a semi-daily basis and to the Snupin Santa Holiday Fest Archive. Prompter names and creators will be revealed as we post.

The purpose of this Holiday Fest is to generate Snupiny Goodness for the holidays. The creators will be working from the inspiration of a prompt, not the motivation of a gift exchange. If you're hoping for a very specific gift tailored to you in December, it's not too late to get in on other HP holiday fests and exchanges. We're going to concentrate on inspiring creators so that the entire community will have a variety of posts to view in December.

There will be rules for the claiming and creators, Santa loves his rules, but for now, we need to generate some prompts for creators to use! There are 3 categories, and anyone - even if you aren't a creator - can make up to 10 prompts in each category, December holiday themes encouraged!:

Story: Give an idea that could generate a story of at least 1500 words. Use no more than 100 words to give this idea. All squicks will be considered optional. Feel free to give an overall mood or tone you'd like to read. Remember, it all has to fit in 100 words.

Art: Given an idea with enough detail for an artist to create a complete, fleshed-out piece. Prompts can include descriptions of craft projects, digital manipulations, videos, icons, web pages, etc. We haven't lost the multimedia aspect of Snupin Santa! Again, you are only allowed 100 words; you can recycle a story prompt here if you have a prompt that fits both story and art.

Drabble/Drawable/Other (DDO): 50-word limit for prompts in this category; in fact, you should try to be as brief as possible. Prompts can be as simple as 3-words or they can be pictures or quotations - whatever you think will inspire someone to create a little piece for the fest. This category will also encompass essay, thematic list, and other more academic requests.

You can make multiple prompts in a post as long as you mark each prompt as STORY, ART, or DDO. If the elves don't know which category in which to place a prompt, we'll try to contact you (so leave a contact email on replies if your Journal mail doesn't work), and if we don't hear from you, we'll leave it off the claim list. Replies to this thread are screened so only you and Elves will see them. If you don't have an account on Livejournal, Insanejournal or Dreamwidth, anonymous replies are allowed, but you need to leave a contact name and email with your reply.

Santa wants to specifically note that if your taste runs to the dark or bittersweet, you're certainly welcome and encouraged to prompt here - just be sure to be clear about what you're looking for when you state a tone or mood in your prompt.

Final reminder and disclaimer: The Story and Art prompts are open to interpretation by the creators and may not contain all elements listed in a prompt. Santa has left the drabble prompts out of this disclaimer for now because drabble prompts shouldn't be complicated. However, if a complicated drabble prompt is left by someone and somehow inspires a creator, the creator can still have leeway with it.

To recap: Make up to 10 prompts in each category of Story, Art and DDO - keep to the word limits. Replies are screened. Prompt list will posted next week. We don't have a firm prompt deadline, but the elves might get lazy about adding prompts to the claim list after September 29.

Don't forget to spread the word to your friends and other communities! Santa out!
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