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wolfsbane and potion masters

December 12th, 2013

Fiction: Hidden Motives, by Kainoliero

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Title: Hidden Motives

From: Kainoliero

Summary: Remus finds himself saved by what seems like a pure coincidence - on the downside he's stuck with Severus. The full moon is but moments away.

Rating: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

HP Era: 1960-1981: Marauders Era

Word count: 1970

Additional Character: Fenris Greyback

Author Notes: I haven't written HP fic for such a long time that it was both exciting to get back to it and frightening because it feels like I've forgotten so much! However, I tried to incorporate Remus' reality during the First War as well as I could: his lycantrophy, Sirius' distrust in him and the situation with the other werewolves. I hope you like it!

Prompt: Story #9 (Partial prompt reporting) - S and L meet somewhere, for some reason, accidentally or on purpose, but S is on DE business, emphasizing the gulf between them; from Islandsmoke.
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