The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 2nd, 2007

December 2nd, 2007

Fic: "Life Amidst Death" for mostepotente

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Life Amidst Death, for [info]mostepotente
Rated: R
Summary: Remus thought he was only now getting to the point where he saw that he needed to stop what he'd been doing all his life. He was done running.
Word count: ~7500

Snupin Gingerbread

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White frosting
Black gel icing
Baby chocolate chips
Rainbow Sprinkles
Doesn't Severus look so cute and angry that he got Christmas Party glitter on him?

White frostingĀ 
Red icing
Green gel icing
Red M&M's
Blue M&M's
Butterscotch chips
Doesn't Lupin look so warm an inviting in his Christmas jumper?

The best part is thatĀ Lupin will go home later tonight and eat all the tiny, chocolate buttons right off of Snape's robe!

Two ficlets (PG and PG-13)

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Couple of thank-you ficlets I wrote this week, which also (as of now, mwah) double as [info]100quills contributions. ;)

Title: A New Line of Work
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 544
Summary: "Happiness is overrated. I am well-fed and watered, have security over my physical body and mental abilities, and the fish is fresh," said Snape. "I am content enough."
Notes: A thank-you ficlet for my beta, [info]busaikko. :) Also posted here. (edit: Also, AU. ;)

Title: Fulfilled
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 512
Summary: "I would like you to recount for me the number of times I have shagged you, and you have left the experience unfulfilled," Remus challenged.
Notes: A thank-you ficlet for [info]scribbulus_ink for running [info]snupin_santa. :) Also posted here.

Call for recs!

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For those of you familiar with the Daily Snitch newsletter ([info]dailysnitch here on IJ, [info]daily_snitch for a syndicated feed from LJ), you've probably seen their Hot Rec/Hot Art feature. If a story or art has 3 recs, the links can be submitted to the DS editors for inclusion in the next issue as a Hot Rec/Hot Art.

There are only 2 criteria:

1) the story/art must be recced at least 3 times (a mention in a newsletter doesn't count as a rec)
2) the story/art and the 3 rec links must be publicly visible, i.e. unlocked.

Last year, I posted rec requests in [info]lupin_snape, and as a result, quite a few Snupin Santa gifts made it into the newsletter, which I hope brought a little extra joy and squee to the writer/artist.

This year, I'd like to do the same thing, so if you rec any Snupin Santa stories or art, please drop me a link [ETA: i.e. a direct link to the rec post, not to a community or journal] in the comments of this post. If you're on my flist, I'll probably see it and bookmark it, but it won't hurt to leave a link anyway just in case I miss it somehow or forget to bookmark it.

It doesn't matter whether you rec a single piece or several; drop me a link either way. It just needs to be unlocked.

I'll post a new recs request post about once a week, so if you forget to leave a link, you'll have a second chance.

Fic: "Learning to Fly", for summerborn

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Learning to Fly, for [info]summerborn
Rated: NC17
Summary: Severus could fly in body, but not in spirit. Remus wanted to teach him how to be free.
Word count: ~11,200
Author Notes: Written to Summerborn's prompt #2: Post-DH, Snape and Lupin both employed somehow at Hogwarts - I don't care that much about canon for this one, so go as AU as you like, or deal with canon relatively briefly. Snape thinks he knows what Lupin thinks of him. Humor a plus; secondary characters/pairings are great (esp Draco).

I chose to write this story arbitrarily accepting the nicer parts (to me) of Deathly Hallows. It ignores anything Tonks-related.

You know it's a Karasu art if:

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1 You know it's a Karasu Snupin because Remus will have a ponytail 99% of the time.
2. You know it's a Karasu because Remus' hair is more blonde than brown.
3. Severus always has a bob.
4. If Remus is the aggressor he looks masculine, when Remus is recieving attention, he looks feminine.
5. Tonks either has blue/green hair or Purple/blue hair.
6. Remus is always the top! Bottom Snape!
7. Bill Weasley wears a high ponytail and has blue Lennon glasses.
8. McGonagall is Hawt
9. Women always have large, beautiful and heavy lidded eys.
10. Remus will only have scars half the time because I always forget them until the end.
Bonus: Everyone Wants Severus
or better: Bonus: Albus is Hung like a horse.

Holiday cards still on sale here.

Fic: "An Empty House is Not a Home", for dzdncnzd

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An Empty House is Not a Home, for [info]dzdncnzd
Rated: PG
Summary: Five years since his the fall of the Dark Lord, Severus has his own apothecary but lacks love in his life. Will his second chance at life bring him to the love that he believes he has for Lily Potter?
Word count: ~5800
Notes: This is for dzdncnzd. I hope you enjoy the story! The title is from the song Atlantic by Keane.
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