The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

April 20th, 2010

Snupin Showers 20 D: Extempore

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As my day for posting winds down I'm thinking of why the pairing of Remus Lupin and Severus Snape has been one of the crutches I've leaned on during my convalescence.Extempore expounded. )

May 28th, 2009

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Hi all,

Lots of brainstorming for Retro fest prompts going on in chat tonight, and we got to talking about what we thought of canon before some of the books came out and Jossed us. Lots of good stuff there, and I never got around to reposting this before:

The "I told you so" lists - February 8, 2005
On July 16th, 2005, JKR will pull the rug out from under countless theories, but out of so many, surely some have to be correct?
So stand and be counted! Tell fandom what you believe will happen before the series is out, and we'll see which of us was closest to the mark.

I know there were other threads of a similar nature, so if you all know where, please tell us! Mirror posts at: LJ, IJ, and DW.

Other pre-book meta
"Final Battle, the" - February 28, 2005
Duels (possible forshadowing) - February 28, 2005

August 2nd, 2008


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For my paper at [info]snupin_meeting (and I claim kudos, by the way, for having THE most boring paper), I wrote about any possible signs that there could be a relationship between Severus and Remus in canon.

You can read it (if you're very, very bored) here:Snupin Canon

July 5th, 2008

Fic search: Snape and Lupin raising Harry stories

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On this [info]snapedom thread, we were discussing how Harry would have turned out if he'd been raised by someone other than the Dursleys. I mentioned that Snape and Lupin might have made a good parenting team. Lupin would be kind and nurturing, and Snape more the disciplinarian, who wouldn't let things slide to avoid confrontation (as young Lupin did with the Marauders). And Lupin, as raisin_gal pointed out in the thread, would see to it that Snape wouldn't let Harry feel unloved.

June 30th, 2008

Ninjas use aconite!

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I posted this entry on my personal journal awhile back, about reading a book that mentioned that ninjas used aconite to poison their darts. I kind of forgot about it, and then I happened to be reading the "Tail of the Moon" manga, which is sort of a romance/adventure/comedy story about a young female ninja. And wouldn't you know it--in vol. 11, one of the ninjas is injured by a throwing star dipped in aconite!

It's such an interesting bit of trivia that I thought I'd share it here, since it's sort of indirectly related to Snupin in that aconite, as we all know, is another name for Wolfsbane, the main ingredient in the Wolfsbane Potion. I can just see all kinds of plot bunnies emerging from this idea!

January 21st, 2008

Snape, Lupin, and babies

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Now, I really should be working on my Trading Places fics (which are actually going pretty well, although one is turning out to be epic-length), but I got distracted when I was browsing the Metafandom links the other day, and stumbled across this essay by thelana: "My 7 reasons why babyfic is a bad idea". Now, I didn't even know that "babyfic" warranted its own genre, but it's exactly what it sounds like: fanfiction where the main character(s) has/have a baby. I don't want to diss the author, who doesn't seem to be singling out HP stories, and her argument is quite reasonable. She makes it clear that it's her own personal opinion, which she's not trying to force on anyone else, and she acknowledges that there exceptions to any rules, and that there are kick ass babyfics out there.

January 12th, 2008

"She did what?": Author's notes on Possession

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In case you're interested (or bored; or masochistic), I've posted some author's notes and back story on my Snupin Santa entry Possession. Said entry can be found here. As one kind reader noted, it's a bit like the "Additional Features" section on a DVD, so if you're into that kind of thing, you're welcome to have a peek. I always enjoy it when artists show how their work goes from sketch to finished product. This is sorta kinda a little like that; except instead of coming away from it going "Wow, I wish I could draw like that" you'll probably be going "Wow, I had no idea how much happenstance, good betas and sheer, undeserved luck had to do with writing." ;-)

December 2nd, 2007

You know it's a Karasu art if:

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1 You know it's a Karasu Snupin because Remus will have a ponytail 99% of the time.
2. You know it's a Karasu because Remus' hair is more blonde than brown.
3. Severus always has a bob.
4. If Remus is the aggressor he looks masculine, when Remus is recieving attention, he looks feminine.
5. Tonks either has blue/green hair or Purple/blue hair.
6. Remus is always the top! Bottom Snape!
7. Bill Weasley wears a high ponytail and has blue Lennon glasses.
8. McGonagall is Hawt
9. Women always have large, beautiful and heavy lidded eys.
10. Remus will only have scars half the time because I always forget them until the end.
Bonus: Everyone Wants Severus
or better: Bonus: Albus is Hung like a horse.

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