The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 3rd, 2007

December 3rd, 2007

Fic: "Not Quite What the Doctor Ordered" for cordeliadelayne

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Not Quite What the Doctor Ordered, for [info]cordeliadelayne
Rated: R
Summary: Severus Snape is a brilliant diagnostician, but it turns out that Remus Lupin is a very difficult case, in more ways than one.
Word count: ~33,000
Notes: For cordeliadelayne, based on the request: AU. Snape is a cranky doctor a la House, Lupin is his patient. Unwillingly to believe there is no cure for the mysterious disease that plagues Lupin every full moon, Snape spends more and more time with his patient and finally succumbs to his flirting. Discovery of a cure optional. Happy ending a must.

I owe a HUGE debt to my fantastic beta and chief hand-holder (who will be named later, for anonymity's sake). THANK YOU! I couldn't have done this without your help and support and letting me bounce ideas off you and cry on your shoulder when the going got tough, and all the other things which are so numerous it would be as long as this story to list. To Cordelia - Merry Christmas, and I hope the story is what you'd hoped for!

Snape/Lupin discussed on Snapecast

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Hi, folks! The latest episode of Snapecast has a fairly long segment on Snape ships, and I got to represent Snape/Lupin. I can't quite bring myself to listen to it yet, so for all I know the Snape/Lupin-y bits might have got edited out, but it's almost forty minutes long, so who knows.

The segment starts at 12:36, and the whole thing can be downloaded from this page, which also has a breakdown of what's in this episode.

Cheers :)

Fic: "Try Again", for vaughn7272000

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Try Again, for [info]vaughn7272000
Rated: PG
Summary: Remus finds himself in limbo wondering why he can't move on.
Word count: ~5300
Notes: My gift is for Vaughn whose request was for a post DH Snupin in the afterlife. How does it work? Can Remus choose between Severus and Tonks? Maybe he doesn’t have a choice.

Fic: "A jug of wine, and thou beside me in the wilderness", for sidesinger

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A jug of wine, and thou beside me in the wilderness, for [info]sidesinger
Rated: PG13
Summary: AU after the first war - Severus escapes to France and the Muggle world, but he finds there are some things you can never leave behind.
Word count: ~8900
Warnings: violent imagery
Notes: The title is from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Many thanks to my beta M.
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