The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 1st, 2007

October 1st, 2007

Resurrection Fest Begins: Week-Long Drabble Challenge

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Welcome to October and the start of our Resurrection Fest: The Ship Who Lived! We're going to spend the month dealing with DH canon and helping Snape and Lupin find their way back to the land of the living.

If you're looking for more information on how to participate in the fest or what it's all about, there are mod posts here and a mirrored post here. The list of who is signed up by week is here, however, I again stress that signing up is not required for you to post.

To kick off Resurrection Fest with some attitude, I am issuing a drabble challenge for the first week! From the list of 10 words below, choose at least one and write at least 100 words on Snape and/or Lupin returning to life in some way during or after book canon. I know these can only be moments - snippets of dialog or discovery or meeting, etc. - but just do the best you can with the ideas of resurrection and the word you choose.

word list )

If you wish to write a drabble a day, go over 100 words or use variations of these words, please feel free. The point is to have fun and get our men back into the land of the living! This special challenge ends at midnight on October 8. If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to ask.

And in case there's any doubt, the Deathly Hallows spoiler policy is officially over! Warnings are still welcome, but not required, so if you haven't read the book by now, know that you are in spoiler country. *g*

love, lore

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Title: Proof
Word Count: 159
Rating: PG-13
Challenge:  Resurrection Drabble Challenge - word Rise
Characters: Remus/Severus.

Warning: Unbeta’d


Proof )

Drabble: Word prompt - Grave

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Title: Gravestone
Author:  </a></strong></a>[info]blpaintchart
Rating:  G
Word count:  100

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Title:  For Want of an Earring
Word Count: 224
Rating: PG-13
Challenge:  Resurrection Drabble – word Ankh
Characters: Remus/Severus
Warning: Unbeta’d.




To Dance, of Sorts, Upon a Grave

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Title: To Dance, of Sorts, Upon a Grave
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Resurrection Drabble - word: Grave
Summary: Two drabbles in one (151, then 148). Remus has been revived with the help of a potion from Snape, and he . . . visits the site of Snape's burial. Enthusiastically.
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling is sooooooo lucky. *pouts*
Warning: I have no idea what this kink would be called, I've never come across it. Enjoy!

Resurrection Fest Drabble

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Wc: 100
Rating: PG?
Challenge: Resurrection Drabble - Grave
Characters: Remus/Severus
Warning: Could be considered blasphemous

Look for me by moonlight )

Resurrection drabbles

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Title: Chocolate Always Helps
Challenge: Resurrection
Word count: 154
A/N: I conceived of this idea while I was at school doing some volunteer work and dying for a milk chocolate Lindor truffle, preferably in a Halloween-themed wrapper.

(Yay for product placement.)

Title: Reincarnation
Challenge: Resurrection
Word count: ...Strangely, this is also 154.
A/N: The first line is a nod to the first line of John Wyndham’s The Chrysalids, while the last couple lines (the "they don't believe a word" part) is a nod to the last two lines of Daniel Wallace’s Big Fish. And I tried really hard to get Severus into this scene (he’s there, in the contemporary, private Montreal high school that reincarnated! Remus attends), but I couldn’t quite haul him in this time.

(I so want to continue writing this bunny now...)

*waves* This is my first time posting to the InsaneJournal version of Lupin_snape, and the first time I'm actually pointing people to my shiny new fanfic journal, Anthems.

Drabble: Breath (PG)

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Title: Two Breaths to Thirty Compressions
Author: Cedar
Challenge: Res fest drabbles, prompt: Breath
Word count: 200 (it’s a double)
Rated: PG
A/N: Written in honor of my 8-hour CPR and first aid re-certification last week.
Yes, I know, some explanation of Remus’s survival is needed…too much for one drabble though, even a double. *g*

Two Breaths to Thirty Compressions )

Snupin Santa Fest archive is live!

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I'm please to announce the opening of the new Snupin Santa Holiday Fest archive! But before we get to the fun stuff, I need to share some important information.

This is a change from previous fests, but not as big a change as it might seem. In previous years, all art and some stories (namely the ones too long to fit in a single LJ post) were hosted on my personal website and linked to LJ. This year, I'd already decided to move to a separate website because the Snupin Santa files were taking up a lot of space on my site, and with the third annual fest approaching, I wanted to make certain all the Snupin Santa material had a home together that was separate from my site. That way, if at some point in the future, I decided to delete my website, all the Snupin Santa files hosted there wouldn't be deleted along with it.

Then LJ started up their antics, and I decided to take it a step farther. But the basic principle will be the same. In previous years, gifts were either posted to LJ or hosted on my site and posted to LJ using the [info]snupin_santa LJ. This year, all gifts will be hosted on the new website and posted using the Snupin Santa account on the site, and I will post links to IJ. Different location, same procedure.

However! this doesn't mean anyone will be inconvenienced, even if you don't want to mess with IJ. I've taken some extra steps to make certain the new set-up is as simple and accessible as possible. Here's how:

1) Anonymous commenting is enabled, thus you are NOT required to register for an account at the site before you can leave feedback.

2) Stories and art rated R or NC17 will have pop-up warnings, but they will NOT be hidden so that only registered users can view them, which means you are NOT required to register for an account at the site before you can read/view adult material.

3) Not only do you not have to register for an account in order to leave feedback, but you also don't have to click any extra links. There are comment boxes at the bottom of every story and art post, so all you have to do is type in your feedback and hit "submit". Quick and easy!

4) If you DO register for an account, go to account info and click on "edit preferences". You will see a blurb reading, "I am of the age of consent in my locale to view materials with adult content. I realize that by agreeing, the normal warnings for stories with adult content will be by-passed." If you click that radio button, you will NOT see pop-up warnings when you access rated R or NC17 material on the site when you are logged in.

5) If you don't want to check lupin_snape at IJ for updates to the Snupin Santa website, you may go directly to the site and look on the index page under "Most Recent", which will show you what has been added to the site that day. I will also post information under "Site news", which is also on the index page.

6) If you don't want to check lupin_snape at IJ or the Snupin Santa website directly for updates, you can subscribe to the Snupin Santa site LJ feed, which will post updates from the website on your LJ flist. Please note comments made in response to posts generated by this feed will not be read or answered.

In addition to all of that, the stories/art will be searchable by genre, era, rating, secondary pairings and threesomes, and more!

How to register:

1) Look for the "register" link at the top of the page in the medium green colored bar just above the welcome message. Click on "register".

2) Fill out the text boxes for your pen name and "real" name (these do not have to be different), email address, and password. Click "submit".

3) Log in. You're done!


I want to archive all 2005 and 2006 gift stories and art on the website as a back-up in case something happens to the LJ community, the snupin_santa journal, or LJ in general. For example, if someone reported the snupin_santa journal because underage Marauders era stories and art were posted by it and LJ/6A suspended the journal, then ALL Snupin Santa posts for the past two years would disappear. We would lose everything. Same thing if LJ/6A suspended the lupin_snape community or went out of business. Thus, I would like the new website to provide an alternate home for gifts from 2005 and 2006 as well as gifts from this year's Fest in order to keep them safe.

If you are a writer, and you want to archive your Snupin Santa 2005 and/or 2006 story(ies) under your own name so that you can edit or delete it/them later if necessary, you may register and upload your story(ies) yourself between now and October 31.

To upload a story:
1) Click on "add new story" in the medium green colored bar at the top of the index page
2) Fill out the form. To add more than one genre, warning, etc, you can control-click
3) Copy/paste your story in the text box OR browse for the story file, which needs to be in .txt format
4) Click "preview" to make sure it looks the way you want it to
5) Click "submit"

Your story will be verified and added to the site as soon as possible.

If you are unable to figure out the uploading process and want me to upload your story for you, I can, but I will NOT register for you! You must register an account on the site, and then you need to email me your pen name and the links to the story(ies) you want me to upload on your behalf to snupin_santa @ As an admin, I can upload things under someone's pen name.

DO NOT PANIC at this information. I am NOT able to find out your password, I do NOT need your password, and I am NOT able to log in as you. I can simply add things to your account if/when needed.

If you are an artist, then all you need to do is register for an account at the site and email me with your pen name. All previous gift art has been uploaded to the new site so I could delete the files from my site and change the links in the Snupin Santa 2005 and 2006 art gift posts (I posted about having done this a few weeks ago).

So artists don't need to do anything but register and email me your pen name at snupin_santa @ I will post your art under your pen name for you, and you will then be able to edit or delete it from your account if you so desire.

Any stories from 2005 or 2006 that are not self-uploaded by the end of October will be uploaded under the Snupin Santa account in 2008. On November 1, I will close the site to outside submissions in preparation for adding 2007 gifts to the site queue. I will not accept submissions from previous Fests in order to avoid confusion between old and new gifts in the queue.

Once the 2007 Fest is over, I'll look over the master lists from 2005 and 2006 and add whatever still needs to be added. I also have plans to add the masterlists for each Fest and separate pages for the gift icons.

Stories and art posted with the Snupin Santa account may be removed at the writer/artist's request, so if you're leaving fandom and need to pull your stuff, all you have to do is email me, and your stories/art will be removed asap.

If you want an idea of how things should look when posted, you can view the recent updates page, where there is currently a story and artwork uploaded to provide an example. You can click "more info" to get the full header.

Please note that if you don't like the default Snupin Santa skin, you may use the little drop-down box at the bottom of the page to switch skins; there are three others to choose from.

And now without further ado...

The Snupin Santa Holiday Fest Archive!
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