The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 2nd, 2007

October 2nd, 2007

Length issue!

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Something to keep in mind when submitting a 2005 or 2006 story to the Snupin Santa archive - apparently, a story will get cut off if it goes over 10,000 words or so in a single chapter. So if you have a long story, you'll need to submit it in chapters rather than one long chunk.

If you've already submitted a long story in one chapter, you might want check and make sure the end of it hasn't been cut off. If it's under 10,000 words, you should be okay, but anything over might need to be broken down.


Drabble: Word prompt - Breath

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Title: Sort of fainted.
Author: blpaintchart
Rating: 13
Word Count: 100

Drabble: Word prompt - Rise

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Title:  Foundation-garment fetish.
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  13
Word count:  100
Notes:  Sequel to 'Sort of fainted'

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Title: South Pacific Honeymoon
Word Count: 148

Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Resurrection Drabble - ghostly
Characters: Remus/Severus and the Cabana boy (ok, nothing really happens)
Warning: Unbeta’d



Resurrection Challenge: Breath

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Resurrection Challenge: Breath
Title: Breath
Word Count: 96
Rating: R
Challenge: Resurrection
Characters: Severus, Lupin
Notes: JKR owns all the characters

FIC: Nipped in the Bud, PG

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Title: Nipped in the Bud
Author/Artist: </a></strong></a>[info]alwaysasnapefan
Rating: PG
Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus/Snape
Summary: Sirius ruined all possibility. A series of 4 100-word drabbles.
Notes: My first 100-word drabbles ever. *squee*

Nipped in the Bud

Snupin Santa Diaries

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If anyone is interested in a behind-the-scenes look at Snupin Santa, how it's organized, etc, I've been keeping a "diary" in my IJ this year. I've just written a post about the making of the new website. All Snupin Santa Diary entries can be found here.

Resurrection Fest: Rebirth

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Challenge: Resurrection Fest.
Title: Rebirth.
Word Count: 335.. rather more than a drabble.
Rating: wouldn't say it needs one..
Characters: Remus/Severus, other female.
Warning: Unbeta’d.
Note: I knew I'd not have time to do the Snupin Santa, so I thought I'd give this a go. I'm afraid it's somewhat of a brainfart

here be madness )

Resurrection fest - word prompt ghostly

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Title: Ghost
Rating: Um, PG?
Word count: 547
Notes/warnings: This is my first fic post here. I've been pretty much a lurker for months, just wanted to contribute something finally. Apologies for unimaginative title/terrible writing/going way over 100 words. Also, Remus is barely in this so I hope it doesn’t break the comm rules. Unbeta'd.

Ghost )

Resurrection Challenge: "Ghostly"

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Title: Ghostly
Word Count: 148
Rating: Gen
Challenge: Resurrection
Characters: Severus, Lupin
Notes: JKR owns all the characters

Ghostly )

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Title:  Battle plans
Rating:  PG-13?
Word count:  212
Notes/warnings:  Sort-of prequel to "Ghost", but stands alone as well.  Unbeta'd.



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