Sep. 12th, 2007


Painless | PG-13 | LE/SS, mentions LE/JP, RB

For LJ-er iulia_linnea, who egged me on when I got the idea, and encouraged me further when I almost stalled out on it.

Painless | PG-13 | 2072 words | Lily/Severus, mentions Lily/James, Regulus Black )


20 Things Nobody Knows About Petunia & Vernon Dursley | PG

Character(s): Vernon & Petunia Dursley, mentions Dudley, Harry, Lily, and James.
Rating: PG
Summary: They're not entirely repulsive, oddly.
Disclaimer: Not mine. JKR's getting rich, and I'm getting a little pleasant ear-scritching on the internet. I like to think she wouldn't begrudge me that much.
Author's Notes: This was written as part of LJ-er iulia_linnea's Harry Potter Random Facts Fest. Because Iuls is ♥.

You'll never guess! )


20 Random Facts About Lily Evans Potter | PG

Rating: PG. Ominous thoughts and a couple of assaults.
Summary: 20 things Lily would probably prefer nobody knew, to be perfectly honest.
Author's Notes: Written for LJ-er iulia_linnea's Random Facts Fest. You can't go wrong, claiming a Potterverse character to be random with, or choosing one (or more) of the prompts to inspire you to create fic and/or art.

Lily's parents were enchanted by the world their youngest had gone to live in. )


Hands | SS, HP, JP | PG

Challenge #117: Aversion
Title: Hands
Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, mentions of James Potter
Rating: PG for suggestive imagery
Author: soberloki

Break me, break me, you'd like to, Severus hears, humming at the back of his skull. Potter's hands clench and flex, and Severus fights the urge to dance back the step it would take for comfort.

He dresses himself against these moments, robes armor against contact. It's bad enough he can't be one thing to everyone, must be three or four, and sometimes many more than that, but if Potter's hands... well. He won't think about that.

Twenty years on, and he still can't heal the brand of clawed fingers, faced daily with the living image of his former tormentor.


10 Messages, Never Received | PG

Title: Peter Pettigrew: 10 Messages, Never Received
Also Posted: soberloki entry
Warnings/Rating: HBP spoilers, if you squint. Also, a tiny bit of bad language.
Disclaimers/Author notes: I still have a bizarre feeling of sympathy for this character. Dang it, Brain, stop that! Ye hairy goats on the hill, I do love these meme thingers.

10 Messages )


20 Random Facts About Peter Pettigrew | Marauders, LE, HP, SS, OFC | PG-13

TITLE: 20 Random Facts About Peter Pettigrew
AUTHOR: [info]soberloki, duh.
DISCLAIMER: Not mine! Never was or will be.
NOTES: Because I can? I felt a weird sympathy for the little rat bastard. And yeah, I can't resist a meme. Especially in my favorite fandom.

20 Things )

Dec. 19th, 2004


Fall | JP, SS, OFC | G

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Snape/Potter/UFC
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings/Kinks: Extreme vagueness.
Notes: Marauders-era, Severus and James are seventeen.

     Severus Snape ran. If she dies. If she dies we go with her. He pounded the wet earth with his feet and thought of punishment, redemption, souls and their vessels.

     Behind him, James Potter ran too. "We don't have time!"

     Shut up. Shut up. Don't say it. Magic is intent. "We do."

     Her weight in his arms was the only constant. We do.

     “What are you going to do, Snivellus? We’re thirty miles from anywhere, and–“

     She touched Severus' chest. He looked down, hoping her eyes would be open. Her hand fell away, and Severus fell away with her.

No, I don't know who she is. Honest. I don't know where it fits in a larger story, though I'm sure it does. I just had a hugely angsty brain fart, and this is what it left behind. ETA: Since DH is out, I've decided she's Lily. It's still all kinds of AU, but now I know what she looks like.

Feb. 26th, 2005


Bitterness | JP/PP, RL/SB | R

Pairing: James Potter/Peter Pettigrew
Rating: R - because I can't be arsed to find out what the new rating system is supposed to be.
Word count: 100.
Author's Notes: Seventh-year, Marauders. (This stupid thing WOKE ME UP. Complete and ready for typing. I don't like Wormtail, I never have, and I don't know why I made James have sex with him. I swear it, I'm sorry. *meep*)

     Peter whines as James thrusts, the sensations too much for him. Always too much for Peter, but nobody cares.

     James only does this because he’s part of the group. Moony and Padfoot are too precious to each other, in love, and Peter isn’t loved by anyone. They mentor him, even in this.

     Peter mewls when he comes, even though his orgasm seems rooted in his toes and the spasms of his muscles make him tremble for whole minutes after. He can’t summon their roars and cries, it isn’t in him.

     James grunts, “OK, Wormtail?”

     Peter says, “Yeah.”

     Thinks, nothing is.

October 2007




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