Oct. 24th, 2007


The Outing

Written for palmer_kun over at LJ, as part of a drabbling challenge meme.
400 words of purest AU, involves Severus Snape, a Malfoy, and a Potter.

The Outing )

Sep. 12th, 2007


A Smile | G

Title: A Smile
Characters: Snape & ??
Word Count: 100
Rated: G
Challenge: [info]snape100 #144 - mystery character draw
Notes: cut to preserve the mystery

A Smile )


Lesser Dreams - Five Things That Never Happened To Harry Potter | PG

My first submission to 5_nevers on LJ

Draco Malfoy: 145 )

Ginny Weasley: 120 )

Sirius Black: 115 )

Severus Snape: 150 )

Voldemort: 160 )


Loki | HP/DM | PG

H/D comment ficlet. OMFG, this is why I can't write Draco. He comes out as a slightly retarded girl. *is only mildly mortified*

[info]dripping_cherry had a poll; it inspired me. This is what it would look like if Harry and Draco decided to include me in their fun. Harry's not as dense as he seems, y'know. Note: Edited for very minor non-Brit-ness.


"Harry, her name is Loki. That means she'll be mischievous. You said we should spice things up!" Draco wiggled impatiently, like a puppy waiting at the front door with his leash.

Harry pondered that image and decided against bondage. Draco would want to wear leather trousers all the time. The noises alone would send him into hysterical laughter, and Draco didn't do well with that at all.

"Yes, her name is Loki, and you should know better. Loki wanted to end the world by triggering Ragnarok, and got stuck under a mountain with a serpent dripping poison on his head for all eternity. Not the sort we want in our bed. Don't you read any of those leatherbound monstrosities you rescued from the Manor?"

Draco pouted. "There are over five hundred books, I haven't gotten to them all. Anyway, this is a girl Loki." He smirked. "She's got red ha-air."

Harry, though he'd only briefly been interested in Ginny, perked up a bit. "Really? A redheaded Loki... er, wait. You seem to know an awful lot about her, and I've never met her at all. Where did you meet this woman?"

Draco clasped his hands over his chest and looked positively gleeful. "You said the internet didn't have anything good on it!"


Sacrifice | HP, RW/HG | PG

Author: soberloki
Rating: PG (darkfic)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Challenge: [info]15minuteficlets #172 - Sophisticated
Notes: Recently given the editorial treatment over at [info]fanficbunnies, and I thank the lot for their advice and encouragement.

The spell wasn't sophisticated or particularly pithy, nor was its caster, but it was powerful, and everyone agreed its essence was the thing they needed. Well. Harry wasn't so sure, but he trusted Ron, and Hermione certainly wouldn't agree to anything Ron proposed unless she'd already thoroughly trampled its flaws.

Finding Voldemort was never a problem. The red-eyed bastard was hanging about in Cornwall, openly torturing Muggles and decorating the locale with pieces of them. Inferi were common as well; already, they'd seen the risen corpses of Scrimgeour and Arthur Weasley

Oh Merlin, Ron whimpered, is that dad? Is that my dad?
Get it away, said Ginny, he isn't ours any longer, so fucking hex it. Do it, Harry!
And Harry did it, killed Arthur Weasley for a second time and later he killed Ginny after she was dead too

and Flitwick, which had been almost more terrible than the rest, tiny Flitwick still in his teaching robes, because who had time for white tombs and shrouds any longer?

But this was their newest effort. This was something that, if they were right about Harry's particular strengths and Voldemort's weaknesses, should make it all stop. End the war. Kill Voldemort, at long last.

The Horcruxes were a good start, they'd learned, but killing off even the fragment of Voldemort left in its original flesh was trickier than finding the locket Regulus Black stole; more difficult than finally, finally, crushing the power out of Ravenclaw's sodding living sink of magical learning, the Grimoire.

Wormtail, a human cockroach much more than a rat, brought Harry before his master so eagerly. Grinning, proud of his capture, and Harry was grateful he'd finally learned to block. Maybe, just maybe, he could give Voldemort enough of his mind to satisfy and he wouldn't search all the way to the bottom, all the way to the truth.

Harry saw the spell ripple out of his own mouth, coruscations of energy and intent. It was almost pretty, in a brutal sort of way, triggered by a word


and comprised of every wish, every dream Harry ever had of his future in a free world. It rattled the walls, and killed Wormtail so quickly – Lucius Malfoy and Draco too – that even Voldemort was briefly unable to react to the outpouring of Harry's essence.

As Voldemort wavered and failed to exist, Harry saw the string-of-pearls pulses of magic turning pink, then darker, and understood why they'd developed this idea in the privacy of their shared bed, his two best friends. There were things they loved better than the Boy-Who-Lived.


Protection | HP, DM | PG

Also Posted: hp100 entry
Word Count: 100
Rating/Character(s): Harry, Draco :: PG
A/N: This is what I get for listening to Letting The Cables Sleep by Bush, when I'm in this sort of mood. Honestly, WTF? First line is a lyric from the song. Think post-war.

     I'm a stranger in this town. I'm a stranger in this town.

     Harry followed Draco Malfoy as far as the barbershop, and watched him enter as if he belonged in a Muggle place. As if he allowed Muggles of any kind to touch him, for any reason, without soon after reducing them to piles of smoking bone and memory.

     Malfoy donned an apron, and spoke smilingly to the men waiting along one wall. Harry saw one man seat himself in a barber chair, and Malfoy raise a shining blade. He held it at the man's neck, still smiling.

     "Avada Kedavra!"


Eggcorn Challenge @ perposterice, 3 prompts | PG-13, PG

Also Posted: Perposterice Entry

WARNING: Dark. Refers obliquely to torture; destruction of a mind.
#45 – Malice of forethought – 150 words – Trio Gen, PG-13 )


WARNING: Bodily functions, non-explicit.
#36 – It doesn't pass mustard – 225 words – Draco/Luna, PG )


#31 – To have an idea down packed – 300 words – Harry/Severus, PG )


Precision | DM, HP | 240 words | G

     Draco Malfoy is controlled and icy, and never gives up anything more of himself than he absolutely must. His spells are cast, potions brewed, essays scribed onto fresh sheets of parchment – no crossed-out word, no blot of ink, no imperfect phrase – precisely. Everything must be just so.

     Malfoy is a work of art, a porcelain boy with poseable limbs, and he loves to pose. Girls watch him wherever he goes. Boys as well, but he doesn’t think about them or what their eyes mean.

     Malfoy watches his classmates from his self-imposed isolations, and finds each of them wanting. His standards are, after all, the highest. As a Malfoy, he can allow no flaw, no stain, to touch him.

     Malfoy does not examine himself; his motives are as precise as he is. Never mind that he cannot define them, they are subliminal, and do not involve desire, or loneliness, or fear.

     Malfoy’s father is his model, the framework upon which he stretches his skin, hoping to be big enough one day to hold all of the grace and rage a pureblooded wizard is made of, despite the fact that the reasons for this are as nebulous and impossible to demonstrate logically as his own motives – though they must be as real. They must.

     Precision is rewarded with correct results, he thinks, dazed, as Potter strides away with the purest of blood on his knuckles and a grim smile on his lips.


Death Eater R&R, Part XVII | Death Eaters, LV | PG

House: Ravenclaw
Also Posted: hp100 entry
Rating: G
Characters: Random Death Eaters
Challenge: Staff Development
Word count: 100
A/N: I can't stop. It's a sickness.

71. 'Yo Mama' is not clever banter.

72. Baked goods brought in for the purpose of celebrating birthdays may NOT be shaped like eyeglasses.

73. Please refrain from amusing yourselves with 'talking hands'. It hurts the organization's image, Bella.

74. Pinching Draco Malfoy in the vestibule is not appropriate workplace conduct, no matter how much he enjoys it.

75. Re: Tuesday's meeting. It is not funny to refer to a visit by a certain family as 'getting Crabbes at the weekend'.

76. Harry Potter is NOT 'kind of sweet, actually'.

77. ‘Abracadabra’ will NOT be this year’s rally anthem. Stop asking.


Dribble | HP/DM, RW, OC | MPREG | PG-13

Title: Dribble
Word Count: 400
Prompt: A 400-word dribble pertaining to the relationship of Harry and Draco.
Notes: Get Ron drunk and interview him, see what happens?

They know you're doing this, eh? )


Summary Executions XXXV: Her Hair | GW/HP, HG/HP | PG-13

Title: Her Hair
Author: soberloki
Word Count: 400
Prompt: Ginny thinks about her hair.
Notes: Hey, nobody said the 'her' had to be Ginny, right?

Her hair... )


Summary Executions XXXV: Stubborn Git/Sway/Dave's Not Here, Man/Bloody Hell | PG-13

Stubborn Git )

Sway )

Dave's Not Here, Man )

Bloody Hell )


10 Messages, Never Received | PG

Title: Peter Pettigrew: 10 Messages, Never Received
Also Posted: soberloki entry
Warnings/Rating: HBP spoilers, if you squint. Also, a tiny bit of bad language.
Disclaimers/Author notes: I still have a bizarre feeling of sympathy for this character. Dang it, Brain, stop that! Ye hairy goats on the hill, I do love these meme thingers.

10 Messages )


Bugger This | HP, DM, various Slytherins and Gryffindors | Q for silly.

Title: Bugger This
Author: [info]soberloki
Word Count: 425
Notes: Um, crack. Yeah.

One morning, Harry Potter sat for breakfast at the Slytherin table. Millicent, Pansy, Theodore, Blaise, and Crabbe gaped at the interloper as he settled next to Draco Malfoy. Goyle was already involved in his scrambled eggs, and couldn't be bothered.

What are you doing, Potter? )

Feb. 28th, 2007


Something Good | HP/DM, OFC | R

Title: Something Good
Players: Harry/Draco, OFC
Word Count: 560-ish
Notes: After the War ends, someone stumbles upon something good.

The world is a strange, strange place. )

Aug. 6th, 2004


Reversals | HP, RW, DM/OFC | PG-13

Rating: PG
Summary: Be careful what you wish for.
Disclaimer: Not my characters, locations, or attitudes. Dang.

Reversals )

Jan. 11th, 2005


The Best Laid Plans of Nobody At All | HP, OFC | PG-13

PAIRING: Mentions of Harry/Lavender, Harry/Susan Bones, Draco/girls, OFC/Half-a-bee
SUMMARY: Someone bites off more than she can chew. Harry to the rescue? Seventh year.
WORD COUNT: 1,760-ish
WARNINGS: No resolution. Is only a scene, not a story.
NOTES: X-posted to my journal. And this OFC should exist, damn it.

The Best Laid Plans of Nobody At All )

October 2007




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