Sep. 12th, 2007


20 Random Facts About Dudley Dursley

DISCLAIMER: Not mine! Never was or will be.
NOTES: It can't just be the magical folks, right? There's a lot to know about the Muggles in this universe. Used as part of the Random Facts Fest begun by [info]iulia_linnea!

20 Things )

Not feeling so proud of this one, but here you go. Go on, tell me how wrong I am to doubt myself. I dare you.


Precision | DM, HP | 240 words | G

     Draco Malfoy is controlled and icy, and never gives up anything more of himself than he absolutely must. His spells are cast, potions brewed, essays scribed onto fresh sheets of parchment – no crossed-out word, no blot of ink, no imperfect phrase – precisely. Everything must be just so.

     Malfoy is a work of art, a porcelain boy with poseable limbs, and he loves to pose. Girls watch him wherever he goes. Boys as well, but he doesn’t think about them or what their eyes mean.

     Malfoy watches his classmates from his self-imposed isolations, and finds each of them wanting. His standards are, after all, the highest. As a Malfoy, he can allow no flaw, no stain, to touch him.

     Malfoy does not examine himself; his motives are as precise as he is. Never mind that he cannot define them, they are subliminal, and do not involve desire, or loneliness, or fear.

     Malfoy’s father is his model, the framework upon which he stretches his skin, hoping to be big enough one day to hold all of the grace and rage a pureblooded wizard is made of, despite the fact that the reasons for this are as nebulous and impossible to demonstrate logically as his own motives – though they must be as real. They must.

     Precision is rewarded with correct results, he thinks, dazed, as Potter strides away with the purest of blood on his knuckles and a grim smile on his lips.


Doubt | SS, HP | G

Title: Doubt
Character(s): Snape, Harry
Word Count: 100
Notes: No clue. Just another brain fart. That, and I like the idea of Snape being something other than entirely canon or fanon.

     Snape found Potter at the bottom of the Grand Staircase, at four AM. Potter appeared to have been beaten within an inch of his life. Sighing, Snape conjured a stretcher and took him to the hospital. Again.

     Every week. Who does this? Why? What does it mean?

     If Dumbledore would only agree, Snape could have answers in minutes, and stop the abuse. Snape didn't understand why he wasn't to protect the boy now, when his entire career had been about that very thing.

     Not for the first time, he wondered if Albus really did want the boy's ultimate victory.


20 Random Facts About Peter Pettigrew | Marauders, LE, HP, SS, OFC | PG-13

TITLE: 20 Random Facts About Peter Pettigrew
AUTHOR: [info]soberloki, duh.
DISCLAIMER: Not mine! Never was or will be.
NOTES: Because I can? I felt a weird sympathy for the little rat bastard. And yeah, I can't resist a meme. Especially in my favorite fandom.

20 Things )

October 2007




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