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Aug. 6th, 2004


Reversals | HP, RW, DM/OFC | PG-13

Rating: PG
Summary: Be careful what you wish for.
Disclaimer: Not my characters, locations, or attitudes. Dang.

Reversals )

Dec. 19th, 2004


Fall | JP, SS, OFC | G

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Snape/Potter/UFC
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings/Kinks: Extreme vagueness.
Notes: Marauders-era, Severus and James are seventeen.

     Severus Snape ran. If she dies. If she dies we go with her. He pounded the wet earth with his feet and thought of punishment, redemption, souls and their vessels.

     Behind him, James Potter ran too. "We don't have time!"

     Shut up. Shut up. Don't say it. Magic is intent. "We do."

     Her weight in his arms was the only constant. We do.

     “What are you going to do, Snivellus? We’re thirty miles from anywhere, and–“

     She touched Severus' chest. He looked down, hoping her eyes would be open. Her hand fell away, and Severus fell away with her.

No, I don't know who she is. Honest. I don't know where it fits in a larger story, though I'm sure it does. I just had a hugely angsty brain fart, and this is what it left behind. ETA: Since DH is out, I've decided she's Lily. It's still all kinds of AU, but now I know what she looks like.

Jan. 11th, 2005


The Best Laid Plans of Nobody At All | HP, OFC | PG-13

PAIRING: Mentions of Harry/Lavender, Harry/Susan Bones, Draco/girls, OFC/Half-a-bee
SUMMARY: Someone bites off more than she can chew. Harry to the rescue? Seventh year.
WORD COUNT: 1,760-ish
WARNINGS: No resolution. Is only a scene, not a story.
NOTES: X-posted to my journal. And this OFC should exist, damn it.

The Best Laid Plans of Nobody At All )

Feb. 26th, 2005


Bitterness | JP/PP, RL/SB | R

Pairing: James Potter/Peter Pettigrew
Rating: R - because I can't be arsed to find out what the new rating system is supposed to be.
Word count: 100.
Author's Notes: Seventh-year, Marauders. (This stupid thing WOKE ME UP. Complete and ready for typing. I don't like Wormtail, I never have, and I don't know why I made James have sex with him. I swear it, I'm sorry. *meep*)

     Peter whines as James thrusts, the sensations too much for him. Always too much for Peter, but nobody cares.

     James only does this because he’s part of the group. Moony and Padfoot are too precious to each other, in love, and Peter isn’t loved by anyone. They mentor him, even in this.

     Peter mewls when he comes, even though his orgasm seems rooted in his toes and the spasms of his muscles make him tremble for whole minutes after. He can’t summon their roars and cries, it isn’t in him.

     James grunts, “OK, Wormtail?”

     Peter says, “Yeah.”

     Thinks, nothing is.

Sep. 6th, 2007


20 Random Facts About The Grey Lady

Title: 20 Random Facts about the Grey Lady
Author: [info]soberloki (GJ & IJ)
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Just so you don't come upon it all unawares, thar be spoilers here. Big ones, with shiny surfaces, and they dance the foxtrot.
Disclaimer: All characters from the Harry Potter universe are the property of J.K. Rowling and those to whom she has licensed her creations, including without limitation Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note(s): [info]iulia_linnea is once again holding The Harry Potter Random Facts Fest, and I just can't pass up a chance to create backstory!

The Grey Lady, Ravenclaw's Ghost )

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October 2007




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