December 26th, 2011

[info]executivemeddle in [info]lockdown

Ministry Christmas Ball!

Who: Minister Cadwallader, the Ministry folks, anyone who bought a ticket, the ridiculous amount of security.
When: December 20th
Where: The Ministerial Manor
What: A ball! Where nothing bad happened! At all!

After a long and trying year, the annual Ministry of Magic Fundraiser Christmas Charity Ball...thing... is undoubtedly the biggest event of the winter season. There's food, music, dancing, formalwear, lost of alcohol and more Christmas cheer than a country in such dire straights has any right to have.

Cads himself will be getting a bit tipsy, with his personal bodyguards on hand to ensure that nothing bad should happen, and will personally tell each and every individual Ministry employee how much he appreciates their hard work and dedication to their job. Depending on the time of night/how drunk he is/how friendly they are, they might even get a hug. All Ministry employees will also receive various gifts from the Ministry, usually something small and kitschy, like a mug that says "I <3 my M.o.M." or similar.

NB: Mistletoe was banned after the Holly Incident of 1937 (seven Wizengamot Witches and Wizards were fired after harassment suits, mostly from one another. Much damage control was done by all).