October 25th, 2011

[info]startawar in [info]lockdown

WHO: Drystan Travers & Jasper Greengrass.
WHEN: Backdated to a few days before the Little Hangleton incident.
WHERE: Jasper's mansion & then a London neighbourhood.
WHAT: Jasper and Drystan tag-team on the unsuspecting Auror Williamson to carry out the Dark Lord's command. Thankfully, it's only kidnapping. For now.


Yes, well, I do my best to remain hygienic. )

[info]sweetsummer in [info]lockdown

Who: Sturgis and Lily
When: After Lily's little freak out in Sturgis's journal.
Where: Lily and James's home in Godric's Hollow.
What: Lily is crying and Sturgis makes things better.

Why is this happening? )