August 31st, 2011

[info]grasswasgreener in [info]lockdown

RP Log: Aglaia Greengrass and Bellatrix Black

Who: Aglaia Greengrass and Bellatrix Black
What: Tea and Cleaning up for Jasper
Where: The Greengrass Solarium
When: A few days after the riot.
Rating: PG, tops.

Bellatrix looked forward to her afternoons with Aglaia, as odd as that sometimes felt. )

[info]madetolast in [info]lockdown

Who: Mary Macdonald & Sturgis Podmore
When: After Lily stages a rescus for Mary and it is decided she is moving in with the Potters.
Where: Mary’s room at the Stake & Ale.
What: Packing, picnic, panic and peace.
Rating: A harmless PG.


You will not defeat me! )