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Dec. 7th, 2013



I understand. You're worried because of the winter, aren't you?

[It's the evening, and Watanuki is inside his shop, talking to... but wait, there's no one in sight. And yet, he nods, serious, towards the corner of the room.]

Mm. She's no longer here... but I'm sure you'll be alright. There's still some of that magic left behind.

[If you have really good eyes, or maybe the help of some magic, you might see a small spider, scurrying away, disappearing into a crack on the wall. Watanuki sighs, moving to stand up... except he stumbles, almost falling over, his glasses falling down on the floor. His eyes are wide as he waves a hand in front of his eyes -- and yeah, he can only see out of one of them. Just like that time before.]

[..............] [He sits back on the floor, unable to help himself- he chuckles, seeing the poetic irony in this, which was most certainly what the caster of this magic intended.]

I see. It's appropriate, isn't it? As a farewell.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


○ 001

All right.


I'm going to go ahead and assume someone or something is about to show up now to tell me that we went through all of this trouble for the compass, for everything... for nothing. So much for getting home this time. [She grips the compass all the tighter, tense. Could her mother (god, her mother, that's still a whole other issue she can't yet deal with) have ended up somewhere different?] Whatever it is that happened, I'm not about to sit back and do nothing. Magic enchanted things or not.

I have to find her. [Did she inadvertedly say the thing? No, shut up.]

[We were supposed to do this together, a voice in her head reminds her, and she's not sure if it's malicious or too emotional but, either way, Emma doesn't let herself linger on it long. There's a frustrated sigh, a grumble on her end before the recording turns into video and shows her running a hand through her hair and mumbling about talking to herself while the Welcome Center ladies make their approach. Which is really about to push her further on edge. A welcome?] Who-?

Look, I'm sorry, I really don't have time for this. A journal? Isn't going to help me right now, thanks. Keep it.

How about telling me where I am instead? How did I get here, when we were finally just going back to Storybrooke?

[No luck though. Despite her attempts, she's left in the middle of the city with the journal recording in her hands soon after, Emma frowning down at it without realizing what it's doing. How does magic stuff. Eventually she takes up the pen and writes in it with little faith but not much other choice:]

Just help me find where Mary Margaret is. I'll figure the rest out for myself so long as she's all right.


Nov. 27th, 2013


098 ❀ Action/Video

[It's later in the afternoon of Himawari's birthday, and she and Tanpopo are hanging out in the candy shop. Not that it's super noticeable that it is her birthday, since she isn't the type to make a big deal out of it. Instead, she's feeding little bits of fruit to Tanpopo, who is chirping happily each time, fluffing up on her shoulder.]

Thank you for being with me today. [She laughs -- because it isn't as if he's away on other days, really. Even so...]

I'd say make a wish, but, I guess that's what the stars were for the other night...

[She holds up a bit of strawberry to Tanpopo, who eats it and then hops onto her oustretched finger. She smiles at him, fond.]

I have what I need, hm? [Pi!, says Tanpopo]

Nov. 26th, 2013


⚡ 002

[Utsusemimaru has quickly grown accustomed to life here, moving into a humble room in the hotel once it's back to normal, and enjoying making as many new friends as possible. Miko has already introduced him to the wonders of cookies, but it's Utsusemimaru's turn in the kitchen today. He awoke bright and early to make a feast of osechi and kashiwa mochi, his specialty, to take to Arthur as thanks for his assistance. Let it never be said that Utsusemimaru does anything by halves.

Of course, it would be a pity to make kashiwa-mochi for just Arthur, so he's prepared enough for everyone in Kiseki to try, should they be interested. He's practically skipping through the streets as he makes his way to Arthur's place, the gifts tied in a dark blue cloth and the mochi in a basket. If he knows you he'll no doubt offer you one, and if not he's still more than happy to share.]

Nov. 6th, 2013


[ open to everyone ]

[Hello, Kiseki residents! Have you had enough with the constant changing already? Were you done with this world before it all even began? Well, Kiseki doesn't care.

This time, it's even the usual setting that seems different. The trains are now announcing each island as they stop on them. The shopping district now has a giant bunny fountain in it.

And more importantly, the school has been altered entirely. No longer the small, humble building it once was, it now offers a much larger variety of lessons (the usual - maths, science, history from various worlds, and so on), taught by creepy voices in monitors. Students will now have uniforms, and share lessons regardless of age...

And even if your character doesn't want to attend it, they might not have much of a choice. Some of them will be randomly sorted into attending classes (fully or part-time), or even into teaching a class.

Whichever it is, feel free to explore the revamped areas, complain loudly, and mingle as usual. ... And maybe notice that there're small baskets with toasts available at various places all over the islands, each with a little note on them saying "You're late".]

Oct. 30th, 2013


Halloween event || Open to everyone

[As previously announced, Kiseki will be undergoing some changes for this year's Halloween!

Enjoy the pumpkins, the misty forests, the ghosts, the abandoned castle and the killer bunnies, because Miracle Country clearly will.]

Oct. 20th, 2013


[ video ]

[Nighttime brings back with it a certain dark-haired girl dressed in a long and heavy coat, a covered up sword slung across on her back, who is currently staring down at the journal from somewhere in the city. Her eyes seem more distant than anyone in Kiseki will remember them, perhaps colder but at the same time worn deeply by something like sorrow--something she could not or would not begin to explain aloud.]

[Her lips part, slowly.]

This place is...

[She remembers now. Part of her questions it almost as a gut reaction, but the memories are there, in full whether she accepts them or not. Whether she forgot all of it outside of Miracle Country. The memories of the people here especially, both those she knew "outside" and the "friends" made... It's a strange feeling as it all streams back in.]

That all that time could pass and I would still be brought here again. Am I to believe it is truly real?

[You always can't hear what she adds, to herself.] Could I?

[......................][More importantly, the two people on her mind the most, could they still be--] How long...?


❁ 001

There must be something quite special to this journal, not to mention to the act of writing in it. Those young women were very insistent. Is that a common greeting?

[Her hand writing is neat and untroubled, although admittedly Robin is not sure what to think for the moment. There is no way this could be Dressrosa or the forest, yet she has no idea how she might have ended up here.]

Assuming I understood everything correctly... this is a form of communication. I have to wonder how it is that it functions. Even so, I'm grateful for the chance to receive some answers, if there are any.

[She's smiling to herself despite it all, and the audio on the journal picks up a quiet chuckle. Sigh.]

Well. In the end, it is not exactly the first time I have found myself in such a situation as this. I suppose I simply didn't expect it again so soon.

[...... Oh, and right.] Ah-- one thing... A companion of mine may have made it here also. If those that can read this stumble on a long-nosed man by any chance, please kindly inform me. Any assistance is very much appreciated. I can only hope he has not been hurt in any way... [It would be nice if he hasn't drowned in the ocean hmmmm. No really she loves you Usopp.]

Oct. 18th, 2013


001 ☼ Video/Action

[Anyone near the welcome center or perhaps looking at their journal will… well, hear a lot of shouting and perhaps see some fire licking at the windows]

Let… me… out! Let me out! [fwoosh goes the fire] You can’t keep me trapped in here forever with… with them! Or at all! [They’re driving him up the wall and they’re way too smiley and UGH]

[Well, the fire approach isn’t working. He stops, completely frustrated hand to his forehead as he tries to think – okay. He can do this. He can calm down. His breathing is ragged and his shoulders tense but he keeps trying to do steady breathing until, at least a little, his sigh sounds more tense than livid.]

This is ridiculous! [alsdhgasd; arg] Yeah, because when you’re kidnapped to some stupid room the best thing is to write about your feelings in a journal. [His voice is dripping with sarcasm as he… talks to himself. Yep.] How is that supposed to help?

[S- sigh….. his shoulders slump a bit and he stares down at his journal, moodily.] This is ridiculous…

[… Still… what would Uncle say? He sighs out, closing his eyes and trying to calm down further. And then his voice seems to, well, try to mimic someone:] Zuko, writing on paper is like enjoying a fine tea – it takes time and you must savor it.

[…………….] That doesn’t help at all! [ARG he sucks at this]

[He opens the journal angrily and starts writing:] This is stupid and pointless and who even cares?

[…………………………………. 8( he drags his brush across the paper, not writing anything, but seeming to debate about it – maybe he does have to think about his place in the universe?]

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