August 2017




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Aug. 4th, 2015


010 ♔ Action | open to all

[It’s been a quiet few days since the funeral pyre – but the week isn’t over yet. In fact, today is someone’s birthday, although he’s loathed to admit as much. He has a few knights here, though, who do know the day and therefore aren’t willing to leave well enough alone. That’s right, it’s Arthur Pendragon’s birthday!

All day today, venturing down into the underground tunnels – which you might want to do simply because you keep hearing sounds of voices and laughter – will lead you to a few of the underground common rooms, where extravagant feasts are being set up! Long tables full of every kind of food imaginable, both savory and reminiscent of Camelot cuisine and the more modern, sweeter touches (we mustn’t let Arthur be without his cupcakes, after all). Also drinks. Lots and lots and lots of drinks. That’s Gwaine’s influence.

Want to come celebrate a legendary king’s birthday? There’s more than enough food for everyone.

The reason the feast is being held underground is because today, somewhat abnormal for a Kiseki summer, it’s starting to rain. Not too heavy, but unrelenting – lasting throughout the day and several days afterwards and covering the entire island. It’s a little muggy outside, but the rain is chilling – so it might encourage you to stay indoors if you were thinking of venturing out. But it isn’t as if there aren’t means to entertain yourself, of course.

Unrelated to the birthday celebrations today, there’s another strange happening. All over the walls of the hotel, the underground tunnels, any building you might come across, even pasted to the walls of your room, there will be little Mokona shaped cards – white and black – with one simple question printed on it: “Who do you wish to see?”

You can’t remove them and they won’t go away. They’ll be here throughout the week. Perhaps you recognize them or perhaps you don’t. But, really…

Who do you wish to see?]

Aug. 2nd, 2015


main island || action || open

[Today, people might've noticed two of their latest residents have kept rather busy, heading into the forests over and over again, each time they returned carrying wood and gathering it up by the lake's edge. By the evening, they'll have stayed up there building a structure, and by nightfall they'll light it up - a large funeral pyre, a tribute to their friends and comrades who were lost in battle.

To those unused to them, it might seem like an odd bonfire, although it's clear from their solemn looks that this one isn't meant to be part of a celebration. Perhaps you'd like to try and help them set it up? Or ask them about it once it's lit... It's big enough that it should be easy to notice across the main island at least (and probably make a pretty nice view if you're travelling on the magic trains or up an air balloon).]

[[Nasir & Agron are here & here for pokings, otherwise feel free to abuse the post as you'd like!]]

Jul. 27th, 2015


action | event replay | open to all

[When you're an immortal alien gem race who has never even been introduced to the concept of illness it's no surprise that when Lapis starts feeling sick she has no idea what it means. As far as she can tell her gem is fine, unscratched and perfect... but it doesn't explain why she feels even more exhausted than she did holding Malachite together-

... Alright maybe that's on a completely different level, but it sure is close.

Maybe being near water will help and that's where she's headed, but it's a shaky journey to the beach for the water witch. What's worse is she can hardly remember the way there, the pounding in her head and the dizziness that sends her swaying from side to side makes it hard to recall which turn to take or what landmark looks familiar. She's absolutely sure the fix for whatever... this is must be the ocean. She'll feel better when she can touch the water... definitely.

Until then there is a very obviously unwell Lapis stumbling dangerously in one direction or another throughout town. If she's even close to the beach she has no idea.]

Almost... almost there...

Jul. 25th, 2015


001 ⚔ Action | open to all

[A few days ago, you might have gotten a pretty little invitation slipping underneath the door to your hotel room. The message? "Connie's Violin Concert, in the park at [time] - look for her under the blooming sakura tree!"

And sure enough, here she is, should you choose to head on over. It's a task she needs to complete in order to keep her violin. It's hardly a fancy violin by any means, but she likes it well enough and certainly more than needing to buy a new on in order to practice.

It's a simple little set up: a little blanket set out for her and a chair to sit in, plus a few chairs set up for any guests who want to stay and listen. There's even a little table she set up with refreshments. Nothing too fancy - some lemonade, and a few snacks she got from the Cherry Blossom Cafe.

At the appointed time, blushing a little and looking a bit nervous - her hands are shaking a bit, but not badly - Connie will start playing some songs on the violin! She'll even take some requests.

Feel free to come watch her, or to notice her as she passes by (or interact amongst yourselves, just be sure to keep your voice down during the actual concert itself).

Afterwards, a very flushed and flustered - but pleased - Connie will be packing her violin back up and looking like she might want to retreat. >_> But if you wanted to talk to her...]

[feel free to use this as a mingle if you'd like!]

Jul. 13th, 2015


everywhere || action || open

[Today, it has been rather dull, grey and cloudy despite the summer season, perhaps causing gloominess or hope for some rain. The day will go on normally, but by the evening, residents of Miracle Country should eventually realize that the power is out.]

[With past events, many might fear something strange happening, perhaps some form of attack, or creepiness about to start...

Yet it all seems rather uneventful, aside from an abundance of Usyagi around the hotels, apparently hard at work to get this fixed. A sign apologizing for the delays will be held up at the main hotel's reception, and the power will take yet many long hours to be restored.]

[In the meantime, it could be a good day to go to bed early, or maybe you want to complain that your stored food got ruined, or maybe you favor a walk under the stars?]

Jun. 28th, 2015


everywhere || action || open

[You've finally recovered from dragons and getting caught up in wind gusts? Wonderful, right on time for Miracle Country to mess around again. These days, when people start noticing shiny, unnatural feathers cropping up here and there, or small orbs of light doing the same, they might find it familiar, at least if they've been around for a while. Surely the residents who have lived through these previous things will be able to let them know what's going on...

Except it's not quite the same thing this time around. While, yes, these items hold memories from others in them, meant to be shared as they were before, it won't show a whole memory as if playing a video or seeing into a dream. No, this time around they're memories of emotions that are being held.

So what does this mean? When near or touching an orb belong to someone else, you will experience the emotion that the person in the memory is feeling. Is it a memory of a tragic event, transferring a feeling of grief, worry, or fear? Is it a memory of being with people you care about, transferring happiness and love? A memory you'd rather forget about, transferring embarrassment and self-doubt? You won't get the play-by-play of the memory when you touch it, but rather experience the emotional state of that memory. Whether you get context for that memory - understanding empathetically why that emotion is being felt and how concretely you get that context - is up to you.

The transferring of emotions can be mild (perhaps more suitable for truly terrible memories that would logically leave people with PTSD or completely emotionally drained), or stronger still (feeling the full extent and power of those emotions), depending on what everyone chooses to do. The transfer can also be more personalized, too. Maybe a memory recalls a day when one was a child, and they were scared of thunder, and so the person receiving it ends up jumping at loud noises and wanting to stay inside for a while. Maybe it's a memory about someone else - maybe Aramis can feel what it's like to love Alice, after being exposed to Porthos's memories of being around her. Or Stiles can feel unbearably proud of Arthur, after holding Merlin's memory of his coronation.

Will you realize that you're missing a memory? No, and it's already forgotten until the orb is returned to you via being felt by another person. Whether you forget the entire memory or just the feelings felt during that moment is up to you.

People will be shedding memories until Tuesday, and could lose memories more than once. Of course, losing them means they'll want to make sure to find them again, so simply ignoring these would probably not work too well. Especially for those who remember losing memories made people fade out once before...]

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