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Dec. 21st, 2013


#082 [ accidental video, closed (ish) action ]

[It might not be exactly unusual for Kamui to sleep in these days (a bad habit perhaps to have picked up, not that he cares all that much), or for him to just spend the day bumming at home... but it's certainly an odd sight when the recording turns on late into the day and he's still practically buried under the covers. It makes even less sense when it's clear that he's alone for now (Fuuma has a job and all, somehow the more responsible of the two of them), seemingly dead to the world.]

[When he stirs, it's clear this is not a turn for the better in his case. He groans.]


I am... absolutely... not in the mood for this.

[Those watching can certainly hear his weak grumbles, just as his hand reaches out from the bed and -- bumps his journal onto the floor. Fuck. That gives way for a pretty clear view to Kamui's bleary and red face, his bangs messed up and sticking to his forehead from the attempts his body makes to try and sweat out this sudden fever. He stares at nothing for a while, groans again, before opting to ignore writing in the journal for help, not realizing it's doing the job for him already. Another grumble follows.] Can't concentrate like this, anyway.

[Through some great display of effort (or more like stubbornness?) he finally drags himself to sit up on the bed, pausing again at the dizzying feeling this brings. Even marred by sickness, his entire demeanor seethes with annoyance.]

Stop it. There's no sense to this... kind of stupidity still, is there?

... Ugh.

[Damn it, Kiseki. And of course, as Kamui finally stands up and stumbles his way over to the bathroom, the cherry on top of his incredibly unfun start to this day reveals itself--]

[--When he's stopped halfway there and can't take another step. Not because the magical sickness is too much, no. One of those troublesome little plants from the past few days wanted to say hello too! And leave him stuck there in the room to collapse again as the video cuts out just before he can let out an unpleasant curse for everyone to hear.]

Dec. 12th, 2013


Everywhere || Open to anyone

[The Mistletoe event is back! The older residents might remember our magical, moving pesky little plants which forced people to do certain actions in order to become unstuck from under them.

If your character gets stuck under them with someone else, here's the new list of possible options to become unstuck. They might have to:

1. - Kiss the other person
2. - Tickle them
3.- Give them a compliment
4. - Punch them
5. - Confess a secret to them
6. - Hug them
7. - Dance with them
8. - Sing to them
9. - Make a promise to them
10. - Make them blush
11. - Make them laugh
12. - Make them cry

How your character decides to fulfill the condition is up to them, although the mistletoes can be picky! So no back-handed compliments or anything like that.

The mistletoe will show up randomly starting today and until the 21st.]

Dec. 7th, 2013



I understand. You're worried because of the winter, aren't you?

[It's the evening, and Watanuki is inside his shop, talking to... but wait, there's no one in sight. And yet, he nods, serious, towards the corner of the room.]

Mm. She's no longer here... but I'm sure you'll be alright. There's still some of that magic left behind.

[If you have really good eyes, or maybe the help of some magic, you might see a small spider, scurrying away, disappearing into a crack on the wall. Watanuki sighs, moving to stand up... except he stumbles, almost falling over, his glasses falling down on the floor. His eyes are wide as he waves a hand in front of his eyes -- and yeah, he can only see out of one of them. Just like that time before.]

[..............] [He sits back on the floor, unable to help himself- he chuckles, seeing the poetic irony in this, which was most certainly what the caster of this magic intended.]

I see. It's appropriate, isn't it? As a farewell.

Dec. 5th, 2013


(action) open to all | late evening hours

[Maybe she can't control when she comes or goes, just as no one can at whims of this world, but that doesn't mean the spider matron was not someone prepared for the inevitable -- not to mention very bored in her time of late here and perhaps even feeling vindictive in more cases than one.]

[So when she is finally taken from the island, she leaves a little present for the inhabitants of Miracle Country behind. All the lingering magic that she put into her home in the forests works in her place, influencing the spiders in the area to branch out, each of them taking her webs and building them in inconvenient little places throughout the islands. Anyone who walks into them, disturbs the webs in any way is in for a surprise-- perhaps a momentarily lapse of strength causing you to collapse, an arm or a leg that just won't move right, an eye you can no longer see out of. You know the drill. It might even extend to hallucinations, or a delayed effect to a bad dream, a malfunction in abilities, and all sorts of negative side-effects.]

[The webs for their part are not all that easy to see, especially not at night when they first start to emerge, save to those perceptive enough to notice the dark smoke they produce once it's already too late. How long this is available and how long it affects your characters is up to each mun's discretion. Happy December, Miracle Country ♥]

[Reposting upon request! This log has no real set end date, so feel free to forward-date as needed, as well, have at it.]

Dec. 1st, 2013


001 ☠ Action / Video

[Well, it’s not that he’s unused to showing up in different worlds – but usually when that happens, it’s not without his ship which he was just standing on and certainly not to arrive very abruptly in a tavern.]

[Then again, it is a tavern, and while Hook looks around with a raised eyebrow, surveying his surroundings, he taps his hook on the bar counter and orders some rum. Because why not, right? He glances around, figuring that a bar’s the best place to start – get some information, figure out just why the hell he’s here. Of course, no one is around just yet and he shrugs – the drunks haven’t woken up from their stupor yet, then. He drinks his rum and gets off the bar stool, wandering around and poking his head outside the bar.]

[… Far too cutesy looking.]

… There is a distinct lack of rum for this to be acceptable by any means. [And he smiles to himself, clearly far too amused at his own thoughts]

[He goes back inside, downs his rum, and goes get some more. And downs that, too, only managing to almost knock the glass off the counter as he does so. And then steps outside again, looking around. If they somehow messed up on the whole portal thing, presumably Emma would be around – and the others, too, he supposes, but whatever search out Emma first.]

[And then he is accosted by Welcome Center ladies and has those various shenanigans before he has his journal ceremoniously shoved into his hand]

Yes, alright, very good. Cheers. [Now get the hell away from him.] Speak with friends in a magic book in a magic world I’ve never seen before, sounds splendid. Just how I was hoping to spend my afternoon. I have my hands full already as it is.

[lol get it? Cause he has a hook for a hand. Anyway…]

[……………………] [He cracks it open curiously, flipping each page with his hook with some difficulty, and after a few torn pages and glancing down at what’s written there, he decides it is not worthwhile and he slams it shut.]

This is certainly not Neverland.

Right then. I haven’t time for magical books, entertaining as I’m sure it is. Not that I’m not all for surprises, but quite frankly, I’d much rather I be the surprise. Not exactly the best idea I’ve ever seen for a good time, but then again, Neverland certainly isn’t a romp, either.

[This is around the time he realizes he is either A) talking to himself or B) talking to a book. Neither is entirely sound and he has more important things to do. He sighs and shrugs.]

[He then drops it into a puddle and continues walking, resuming his previous search for Emma]

Nov. 30th, 2013



It was not a welcome that I expected beyond the veil, truth be told. I'm not sure there is anything at all I could have been prepared for.

[There's a quiet, hesitant laugh.] If nothing else, it seemed as though it would be much darker than this.

And though you are very kind, I'm afraid... writing isn't what I require, either. If all is well for those in life, nothing else is necessary. [For Gwen, Merlin, and... yes, and Arthur.] I have done what I needed to.

[Still, the ladies around him insist and he takes the journal with some confusion, frowning down at it as he sits under a tree in the park, looking around, wondering if there would be other spirits that would come greet him. That's what this is, right? But why would they, to someone unremarkable as he? Lancelot breathes out, opens to a blank page in the journal.]

My name is Lancelot. I cannot know who will read this, but I come meaning no harm. I'd like to know more about this land, if it's possible--if there is something to be known, I suppose.

[There's a pause, before he finishes.]

If the place I am to remain in is here, so be it. I accept that. [But admittedly this doesn't seem to be the work of the spirits or the Cailleach... then again what does he know?]

Nov. 19th, 2013


[Early in the afternoon | Open to everyone]

[Here we have Miko standing in front of a large table covered with assorted sweets, cakes, cookies and basically everything sugar. There's also a huge coffee pot on the side.

All of that is because she wants to introduce a certain time-displaced warrior to the wonders of modern pastry. And if he already knows them, this wouldn't be a wasted effort at all. Any excuse to eat cookies is a good excuse.]

Nov. 15th, 2013


[ tonight - open to everyone ]

[Tonight, all artificial lights in Kiseki will go out, to allow for better viewing of the shooting starts that will fall during the entire night! The park(s) will have blankets and some cushion set out, and everyone is welcome to go outside and watch them.

And it's not just the pretty lights, no. If your character makes a wish, there's a chance it will become true. Even if they wish for impossibles perhaps it'll be granted even in a small way.

Say someone wishes to meet a friend who's back in their world, for example. They wouldn't get to meet that person, but they might receive a small token of them - maybe a picture, or a personal item of them! You can wish for other things, of course, food or clothes or whatever. Get creative, and if you're unsure it's always fine to simply check with the mods.]

Nov. 12th, 2013


[ 001 ]

Hahaha! Actually, I didn’t really understand any of what you just said. Except… this isn’t Namimori? It doesn’t really look like it…

[At first, there is nothing but this audio of a boy’s voice, cheerful despite everything. But soon after this a video follows, of a dark-haired boy standing in the Welcome Center, turning the journal in his hands.]

Ohhh? I’ll write in this and others will see that? [He beams at the ladies] Wow, that’s pretty amazing! It’s like a mini-computer. Is that some kind of new technology thing, too? I guess things are developing pretty fast, now that the box technology is out…

[He laughs, as though all of this is somehow entirely normal to him.] Alright! I’ll try it!

[He does as he says, writing:]

Yo! I don’t really know what this place is, and I didn’t get what those women said, but this seems interesting! It’s a bit like time travel, isn’t it? [But he wasn’t hit with the Ten Year Bazooka, so it can’t be that. So it’s not going to be as simple as waiting five minutes…]

Anyway, I’m sure this is a great place… but I can’t really stay. My friends need me back home. They’re in a tough situation, I can’t just abandon them, no matter what. So I really need to find a way back! So, I guess if you know of one, I’d be really grateful if you could tell me!

Oct. 30th, 2013


Halloween event || Open to everyone

[As previously announced, Kiseki will be undergoing some changes for this year's Halloween!

Enjoy the pumpkins, the misty forests, the ghosts, the abandoned castle and the killer bunnies, because Miracle Country clearly will.]

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