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Jun. 25th, 2014


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[Video | filtered from Madoka; hackable]
For some of you this will come as little surprise but to others, it needs to be said: If any of you are responsible for making Madoka cry or unhappy, you will pay for as much.

[Too many people lately have been too forward with her, or, worse, not as pleasant as they damn well should be.]

I won't presume to say you cannot befriend Madoka, if she so chooses to befriend you. But don't be so lenient and don't you dare upset her in any way - or you will answer to me. Madoka is kind, and will do much to befriend you all - but that doesn't give you the right to take advantage of that kindness.

So be sure you don't overstep. [And out of seemingly nowhere, she draws a gun from behind the little shield on her wrist, frowning at the journal she's spent all afternoon trying to properly figure out. Anyway, grumpy girl with a gun.]

You've been warned of as much. That's all.

Jun. 24th, 2014


[ action || open to everyone ]

[Rejoice, Kiseki residents, as today the massive flood finally comes to an end. Starting early in the morning, the water levels will slowly start to go down, faster and faster, the extra vegetation that had grown all over the place receding with it. Eventually, the usual Miracle Country will reappear, just the slightest signs of rust remaining for a while. The tree houses will gradually disappear in the following days, once its inhabitants go back to their usual lodgings.

Not all the water will disappear, however. Now, near the Sakura park, a small lake will show up, and connected to it, a narrow stream that will go all the way up to the ocean, widening as it approaches it and becoming large enough to allow people to swim in it or travel it by boat or other means.]

Jun. 21st, 2014




[ souji watches with puzzlement as the kiseki ladies row away in their own raft. they wave and chatter at him as they vanish into the horizon. weird ]

That wasn't very helpful. [ and now he's stuck on this tiny island ] If they want me to die again, then they should have picked something quicker.

[ RATHER THAN STARVATION... ON THIS ISLAND... he picks up the journal, glances out over the water, and then... tosses it into the ocean after the disappearing raft, so whoever's opening it on the other end might get a few wet spots whoops, before it miraculously reappears on the island next to him. ]

...Huh. [ he's going to keep on doing this, sorry ]


[ HOPEFULLY THE NEXT THROW DOESN'T CLOBBER SOMEONE IN THE HEAD. Souji gazes at a likely target ahead, which could be you, your raft, a floating tree branch, the water, etc. He takes a step back and tosses the book out over the air and to its intended location. ]

[ except it comes back, right? and despite being weirded out by this at first, he finds it very convenient in order to continue throwing the journal at whatever the hell for his own amusement. okay look he thinks he's in like a purgatory, and what else is there to do??? ]

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