August 2017




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Oct. 18th, 2014


action || open to everyone

[How's it going, Kisekians? Are you weirded out or traumatized enough yet? Have you lost your ability to feel anything at all and therefore don't care about trauma? Are you angry because you can no longer tie your shoes?

No worries, though, Miracle Country has just the way to cheer you all up. Stopping the attacks? Please, are you new? Come on. In fact, you might be so not new you might've already spent a whole year here! Kiseki is celebrating opening itself up to more dimensions, not that anyone around would understand that's the point.

In the Sakura park, in place of its usual perpetually pink tree, there'll be a massive, multiple-layered cake, decorated in white and, you guessed it, little pink sakura flowers. On top of it there'll be a candle indicating one, and there'll be small tables with plates and utensils to eat the cake if anyone'd like to. There'll be balloons and confetti falling randomly on people all day, as well as native Kisekians passing around party hats.

It seems even the monsters are celebrating, as today any you encounter will be carrying its own cute party hat as well. Not even being a soulless-NPC can stop Miracle Country's festive cheer!]

Oct. 15th, 2014


audio | video | ota

Hey, hey, are you joking? There’s no way -- …… -- I don’t care about -- ……… -- just tell me where -- ……… [At first, there’s nothing but this short audio file, the words interrupted with static, making the speech disjointed and nearly unintelligible. The static gets louder, and soon there’s a sound of what sounds like a hundred tasers activating at once, a snap and the sound of glass shattering – and for a while, that’s it.

But, never fear, citizens of Kiseki: soon there’s a video feed appearing in your journals, of the hospital lobby, with a ton of candles spread all around it, because for some reason, all the lightbulbs are broken. The video shows a guy with flaming orange hair wearing a black tracksuit and sunglasses (yes, sunglasses, even though it’s dark enough that his face is barely visible in the video), clearing his throat and starting to speak in a manner that can only be described as grandiose.]

My fellow prisoners! Your tragic circumstances have just been brought to my attention! Oh, how my heart weeps for you, all alone and stranded here in a strange world! But there is no need for despair… yes, because Lord Lemon is here to help you!

[A dramatic pause, to make sure everyone understands he’s talking about himself.] There’s a story of a fisherman in Yokohama, who spent all his savings on a new boat. But the next night, there was a storm, and his boat sunk! But the fisherman didn’t let that get him down. Instead, he marched to the loan office, threatened them with a gun and stole enough money to get a new boat!

[He feigns wiping a tear.] A truly inspirational story! So remember…

[There’s another pause, for full dramatic effect:]

When life gives you lemons… reject them and make orange juice instead!

[Birthday grins, tossing a battery he’s been holding in his hand up in the air, catching it and—yep, biting on it as the feed cuts off.]

[[ooc: the lost traits event is going on, so if you want to action it up that is a-okay!! Birthday won't lose anything, at least not yet.]]

Oct. 14th, 2014


action || open to everyone

[Today seemed as though it would be another quiet day in Miracle Country. Mild weather, a peaceful atmosphere, people probably had no idea anything would soon be wrong when they set off to work, school, or a day of goofing around.

Soon it'll be clear it won't be that simple. Creeping out from the forests and from within the lake or ocean, some creatures will set out to attack others. Becoming impossible to stop at the exact moment of this attack, these monsters will set out to steal something important to people: an ability they have, or an important personality trait, which will now take the form of a tangible, brightly glowing light.

The monsters don't seem to want them for themselves, however. They'll either sneak away quickly, and end up hiding what they took in some difficult place, or they'll challenge the owner - or anyone else who'd like to step up and fight - to a battle for the stolen traits or abilities.

If the creatures get away from you, either because they've gone off to hide your skill/trait or because the battle was lost somehow, the owner of what was lost will always be able to find their skill or trait eventually, as their presence will call back to them. Similarly, if they find someone else's lost skill or trait, they'll be able to know it's not their own. Perhaps they'll want to give it back, too, or maybe even keep it for themselves for a while? While they cannot absorb the abilities or traits themselves, it could be a good way to manipulate others or get a favor from them...]

[[Mingle for the lost traits event! Keep in mind the timing, since any new post opened until the 21st will be happening within the context of this event.]]

Sep. 24th, 2014


[ action || open to everyone ]

[Ever since the start of this week, you may have noticed a change in the weather and the general mood of Kiseki. Yes, summer is over. While it was really quite warm following up to this week, this week it's a little cooler, a little crisper - and other than the sakura tree that's always in bloom, all the other trees in the park and forests have begun to change color and fall. Fall is here in Miracle Country!

This week, maybe you need a little adjusting. Need to buy some warmer clothes? Have a sudden urge to eat something pumpkin-flavored or caramel-flavored? There are piles of leaves to hop into, maybe.

And throughout this week, the crisp, clear skies may cloud over and it'll start to drizzle, and sometimes even just rain. It'll drizzle throughout the day with some sun breaks, but it's definitely a clear indication of the change in the seasons.

But when it's not raining, and your character feels like exploring, they'll find literal cornicopias of fruits and vegetables all throughout the garden island, the park, and the forests. Sample them for yourselves, or perhaps make a pie with them.

Autumn is a time of harvest and abundance but also a time of waning sunlight and longer nights... so perhaps you feel that shift in the air, and are left reflecting on it.

Regardless, autumn is here.]

Sep. 15th, 2014


video & action || open to everyone

[After having some time apart and realizing this whole "being trapped in another world" thing wasn't going to be over any time soon, David & Mary Margaret meet once again, managing to scream less this time. They're both so done with all of this, emotionally exhausted from all the new information, the people they can't remember, the fact that everyone around them insists they're happily married and have a family together.

The journal records them as they're back in their old room, going through their belongings in an attempt to have something trigger their supposedly lost memories. Mary Margaret goes through some assorted pictures, some of the two of them together, others with the kids (adopted or not). Her expression turns sadder again, so David goes sit closer to her, glancing at the pictures too. She smiles, getting wibbly again despite her efforts to keep calm.]

We looked so... [She makes a little gesture at the pictures, trying to get him to understand.]

Happy? [He finishes for her, getting the idea. Agrees, too, reaching to take one of the pics and look at it better, silent for a moment] [...] It's all I wanted to have. For us to have.

[Mary Margaret looks up at him, even more visibly emotional at his words. He starts to mumble an apology, but trails off as they just stare at each other... They move at the same moment to kiss, and the moment they do, a wave of light rushes through the air, expanding all across Kiseki. When they break apart, they look shocked.]

Snow...! [He reaches for her, pulling her closer, starting to smile.]

Charming...! [She does the same, holding to him and beaming up at him.]

[They don't even get to the you found me!1! usual lines, they're too busy kissing again.]

[[OOC: And they're back! The True Love's Kiss (TM) power will send a wave of happiness and good feelings all across the island. No grumpiness for a while! The log is a mingle, so feel free to tag each other on your own. Snow & David will have their own tags to hit if you'd like to talk to them.]]

Sep. 12th, 2014


video & action || open to everyone

[Have yet another video, this time showing the Charmings' room early in the morning. Even if you're not checking the journal, you might've heard some scandalized yelling coming from it.
The video shows them both standing on opposite ends of ther bedroom, Snow pacing and looking rather scandalized, holding their bed cover around herself, while David looks like a scared animal, apologetic and confused. Over their voices, baby Neal can be heard crying, half-drowning out the sound of them talking.]

[Snow's voice can't be completely drowned by her baby's shrieks, though;]

This is completely inappropriate! W-- what are you doing here?

[David attempts to cut in with a weak I said I don't know--, but Snow continues to talk over him]

And why are you-- !? [asldhga;] Alright, no, you said you were leaving and... and why is there a baby here?!

[[OOC: Personality switch event! With a bit of a twist. David and Snow are their cursed!Storybrooke selves, and have no memory of who they truly are or even being in Kiseki! Feel free to go meet them or try to keep Snow from hitting David with something.]]

Sep. 4th, 2014



[There is a large white horse chewing on Zero's hair affectionately. He tries to retrieve it from her, but gets headbutted instead. Sighing, he tries to ignore her attempts to nuzzle him while he speaks. Holding up a small note, while trying to maintain his balance against something several hundred pounds heavier than himself trying to knock him over, he questions everyone in Kiseki.]

Did anyone else wake up to a note today? [And suddenly the note is gone, snatched from his hand by the horse. Zero just stares at the empty fingers, dumbfounded. He really shouldn't be surprised by now. He instictively goes to rip it out of her mouth, coming away with about half of it.] Don't eat paper, Lily. I'll grab you something to eat in a minute.

It said that they had brought me something and it was waiting for me outside the hotel. As grateful as I am, I'm not quite sure what to do with her. I don't think I saw any stables around. I don't have any problems building some if we need to, but have no experience in that sort of thing.

[Which brings him to the second point in his message.]

Because of this, Hanahito might be opening a little later than usual. I'm looking for help if anyone is interested. It will be open for dinner tonight, if you want a job, stop by around four otherwise I'll open the restaurant at five.

[ooc: Come have dinner at Hanahito. This can be a mingle log if you want. Have a date, eat with your friends, get a job.

Canonly White Lily only likes Zero. She's technically one of the school horses but everyone steers clear of her and refers to her as 'The Demon Horse from Hell'. If your character is really good with horses and really wants to ride her, Zero has no issues sharing. It just might take time for her to warm up and you have to be pretty persistant.]

Aug. 29th, 2014


006 ⚜ Action || open to all

[Today is Porthos' birthday and anyone who knows anything about the guy is going to know one thing: PARTY TIME]

[The entire day is devoted to drinking, carrying on, card games, drinking, unfortunate uses for melons and gunpowder, more drinking, singing and laughing, more drinking... And everyone's invited, at least unofficially since he's drunk off his ass enough to invite you over or more like drag you over for some celebrations, or maybe you're just a party-crasher.]

[Not feeling in the party mood? Well, that's okay, because there's the drink to motivate you. Or, perhaps, a little influence from Kiseki since the world's decided that you should be in the party mood, as all day today your character might suddenly be hit with a loss of their inhibitions (this mass replay is not mandatory), so all those things they usually hold back from? Poof, gone is the motivation to resist. So dive in and have fun. Make better life decisions than Porthos. Or not. Either way.]

[ooc: This log is open for any mingling needs, and the event is not mandatory - but attendance to the party is not necessary for it to take effect, either.]

Aug. 14th, 2014


all day || open to everyone

["Free". What does this word mean to you? Today, it's a day to embrace freedom - as much as you can while being trapped in a different world against your wishes, that is.

Is it doing what you love that makes you feel free? Reading a book, or watching your favorite film and being immersed into adventures in another land? Learning new skills that make you feel more useful and empowered? Being with your friends?

Kiseki will facilitate these things today. You might find just what you needed set out so you can practice that new skill or sport you wanted to. You may even find all volumes of Love Touch and fulfill your dreams!]

Aug. 7th, 2014


[ journal || open to everyone ]

[It's late at night, and everyone is probably already in bed or getting ready for it. But today, Kiseki has decided to mess around a little. Everyone's journals will start to insistently glow, calling for people's attentions. And so that once they open them they aren't met with empty pages, some characters might feel compelled to write down a confession, or a secret of theirs, even if it's something they normally wouldn't share. Some of them might not even be true, but can you figure out which ones are and which ones aren't?

Of course, Miracle Country looks after children (they're afraid of Snow's wrath too), and any secret or confession that isn't suitable will be filtered away from minors. But other than that, everyone is free to comment on others' notes. New secrets or confessions might even pop-up between conversations with others!]

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