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December 27th, 2016

[info]ofmyword in [info]kiseki_logs

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[With his last planned event not going as well as expected, and the time of the year asking for a celebration of some sort, Lucifer's set out to hold a successful party this time. Changing his approach entirely, he's booked the ballroom by the garden islands for the night, rather than use the bar.

Knowing him, you might expect something scandalous and inappropriate; instead, it only looks expensive. The place is fully decorated in reds, with small round tables full of food and drinks, and the usual space to dance. It doesn't even look too different from parties that were held there before... save maybe for the presence of Lucifer himself, on one end of the room by the piano he had brought over from the bar. Even the fact that glasses, plates, and other things have a wing motif isn't too out of place there.

He'll have sent out invitations conveniently forgetting to mention who was organizing the whole thing, and noting it's a formal party so people need to wear their best clothes. Certain people might even find that bit's been underlined several times. But of course, if anyone failed to comply with that part, Miracle Country can always help with it, and give them a proper outfit once they're there.

By the late evening, there'll also be a note in the journals, reminding people to not miss the event... And then another one. And another one. Remember how journals don't like it when people don't pay attention to them? Or try to hide them? Enjoy the flashing book following you around, then. It might be easier to simply give in and go, even if it's for a short while...]