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May 12th, 2016

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]kiseki_logs

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[Another peaceful day in Miracle Country! The sky is clear, the birds are singing, the monkeys are chattering... Wait, why is there a monkey? Is that a gazelle? And what looks like a pink and yellow ostrich?

If you're walking around doing your usual thing and end up coming across some rather unusual animal, in all senses of the word, well... The Miracle Country Zoo might have to issue an apology to some people. That panda blocking your door, those iguanas chilling near your window, that seal trying to get into the lake, and the others, they've broken free from the zoo. Or maybe Kiseki set them free to have some fun, who knows. It's a fushigi mystery. Initially, most of them will be found, well, near the zoo, and the garden islands themselves. Of course, if anyone's been paying attention, they'd know those gardens have some crops belonging to one of our residents. You might want to help out before some clueless creature decides to have a snack, or stomps all of them.

The good news is that most of the animals scattered are pretty chill ones - no need to be considering your last words as you come face-to-face with a fluorescent hippo (*). The bad news is no one seems to be doing anything about them, so it'll be up to you to take some action, if you care to. Perhaps after a few days, they'll retire back to their island on their own, or choose to settle at the forests.

If your characters do cooperate and help keep things in check, however, Miracle Country will reward them - courtesy of the Usyagi, they'll receive free tickets to visit the zoo later, and meet up with their new buddy animals, or they will be given free crop and flower seeds to use in the gardens, forests or wherever they'd like.]

[[(*) If it is your life-long dream to play out your character being mauled by a neon-colored hippo, exceptions will be allowed.]]