August 2017



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August 4th, 2015

[info]insibbegerest in [info]kiseki_logs

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[It’s been a quiet few days since the funeral pyre – but the week isn’t over yet. In fact, today is someone’s birthday, although he’s loathed to admit as much. He has a few knights here, though, who do know the day and therefore aren’t willing to leave well enough alone. That’s right, it’s Arthur Pendragon’s birthday!

All day today, venturing down into the underground tunnels – which you might want to do simply because you keep hearing sounds of voices and laughter – will lead you to a few of the underground common rooms, where extravagant feasts are being set up! Long tables full of every kind of food imaginable, both savory and reminiscent of Camelot cuisine and the more modern, sweeter touches (we mustn’t let Arthur be without his cupcakes, after all). Also drinks. Lots and lots and lots of drinks. That’s Gwaine’s influence.

Want to come celebrate a legendary king’s birthday? There’s more than enough food for everyone.

The reason the feast is being held underground is because today, somewhat abnormal for a Kiseki summer, it’s starting to rain. Not too heavy, but unrelenting – lasting throughout the day and several days afterwards and covering the entire island. It’s a little muggy outside, but the rain is chilling – so it might encourage you to stay indoors if you were thinking of venturing out. But it isn’t as if there aren’t means to entertain yourself, of course.

Unrelated to the birthday celebrations today, there’s another strange happening. All over the walls of the hotel, the underground tunnels, any building you might come across, even pasted to the walls of your room, there will be little Mokona shaped cards – white and black – with one simple question printed on it: “Who do you wish to see?”

You can’t remove them and they won’t go away. They’ll be here throughout the week. Perhaps you recognize them or perhaps you don’t. But, really…

Who do you wish to see?]